Predecessor Builds > Iggy & Scorch > The Only Guide You Need For Iggy

Iggy only wins fights around his turrets. Without his turrets, you have a low kill potential.
For your final starter item, it's mostly situational. Take Stasis if vs Morigesh 100% it's also a good option vs Gideon. Other than that take Soulbearer.
Always go Combustion into Wraith leggings. Your turrets proc Combustion giving it 100% utilization and wraith leggings help with our lack of mobility and escape while also providing us with execute potential.
If you choose Azure Core as your mana item go Alchemical Rod first then continue with the core build path. I prefer Spirit of Amir over all 3 items due to the stats it gives and for our wave clear since we only use 2 abilities will almost always refund our mana usage allowing you to be a bully. Orb of Growth is very situational but I find it to be bad as most times your team struggles ending early.
Everything else comes down to judgment. Team isn't buying anti-heal and they have a countess? Go Tainted Scepter. Tanks aren't dying? Go Megacosm. Oblivion crown I typically only go if I am far ahead.
Buy order for your mana item depends on how bullied you are getting. If you struggle with mana get it second item otherwise 3rd item is usually safe.
We start by maxing Q making it harder for laners to clear your turrets which in return gives easy farming and poke. After Q max RMB then E making sure you grab R whenever possible.
In the early game, the main focus is to farm and stay in lane as long as possible. Keep heavy wave pressure and clear fast to get side buff priority. When side buffs are up have your jungle take one and you take the opposite. This chokes the enemy laner of mana while giving you an easy lane advantage ESPECIALLY if you get purple buff. Bully them if they don't respect your turrets. Never move past your turret line without good vision, blink, and turrets off cd.
While laning look to E -> RMB the lane to fast clear and then poke with autos and turrets when the enemy laner goes to farm, especially if they are melee like Countess, Kwang, and Shinbi.
When you have a strong clear and you can one-shot the wave with E -> RMB start roaming and looking to gank or work with jungle and invade their jungle.
Make sure you always have lane priority when fangtooth comes up so you can gank duo then take fang with your team.
Come late game don't waste turret placements as they can be on a long cooldown. Only use 1 if any when clearing waves and make sure you always have 2 before going into a fight. Use your ult for spacing, you can cancel it early to push enemies so make use of that. Its damage is nice but usually, a push is better back into your turrets. Always pop Soulbearer before ulting for the lifesteal and shield since R should really only be used defensively.
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