Predecessor Builds > Crunch > Jungle
Farm heavy mana conversion build concept. The goal being to farm hard off jungle camps and kills and get full stacks on Mindrazor to take full advantage of the mana->damage conversion. This would be crippled in a lane (unless jungle is guaranteed to baby you) because the opposing laner could just force you off wave, causing you to take too long to stack up Mindrazor.
I think tank items might still be better in place of Resolution but I am making this as a reminder to test durability versus damage results.
I also made a section of mana items to test. I think there is good merit in Combustion and Dynamo. Combustion for more burst damage and Dynamo for a great bruiser/team support option (Crunch has a lot of CC so he can efficiently proc. Dynamo consistantly in a fight). We don't ever sub out Mutilator though.
Always good is just a list of items that would normally be in place of what's deviating in this build. More of a note for myself.