Predecessor Builds > TwinBlast > TwinBlast general build
Generally speaking this is the strongest build for TwinBlast. Focusing an on-hit itemization which makes the Q deal a lot of damage.
We try to get a Soul Chalice on our first back to remedy our mana problems we have in the early stages of the game. After Soul Chalice we continue with our core itemization from Storm Breaker into Sky Splitter which is simply the best choices for TwinBlast. Finishing MindRazor third gives TwinBlast the opportunity to "oneshot" waves with a single Q and passive empowered auto attacks.
After MindRazor we can adjust our build accordingly to our enemies. Is there a tank or high health opponent? Go Demolisher. Are there only carries and/or assassins in the enemy team? Go Bonesaw or if you're vs a Countess go Mesmer for example. Do the enemies have a lot of healing? Go Tainted Blade. A high physical dive comp? Go stonewall.
The point is, adjust your build besides the first 3 items accordingly to the enemy team. The game offers a lot of different items. While some are less useful than others, they have their niches that might give you the edge in a fight.