Predecessor Builds > Kwang > Dive and Disrupt
In laning phase focus on poking the enemy down with Tether and True Damage, then use your dive potential with knock up and Riftwalkers to burst them down with your carry.
Late game you are looking to peel and when necessary dive in to disrupt team fights.
Time warp gives you mana sustain and plenty of CDR. Paired with Tainted Scepter you do decent damage as well. Otherwise you are going to build tanky. Raiment feels strong early and if the enemy is without Tainted (and its fairly cheap), but any of the tankier items can be swapped for Elafrost for added slow and damage, or Void Helm for some survivability against mages.
Golems Gift and Dynamo also receive honorable mentions depending on how a game is going, GG especially if you find yourself not needing Tainted Scepter.
- Also note taking a second lv in Q before you finish RMB. This is because the second level gives you CDR on the Q, and it doesn’t give you more CDR for the third :)