Predecessor Builds > The Fey > Catch me if you can
This build revolves around the synergy between Dreambinder and Wraith Leggings. You will be really hard to catch especially in late game given that you land your abilities as Dreambinder will slow enemy heros and Wraith Leggings giving yourself an incredible movement buff of 100. You will speed around, constantly casting abilities and keeping your movement buff up. This is good as in late game teamfighting enemies will try to pick you off since you deal high amounts of damage and become a threat.
First build Alchemical Rod and stick with it until you built Megacosm, then finish Azure Core. The Rest should be built in the described order.
I go with Occult Crest for the healing since Fey is a pretty squishy hero overall and maybe the squishiest of the casters and will often have a hard time to sustain on her lane. Built into Tempest you can zap enemy heros in team fights while they are in your Fly Trap to get a bit of healing in.