Predecessor Builds > Steel > Immortal Mage Steel
Immortal Mage Steel offlane build
This build makes you incredibly tanky and offers great magical damage that scales with HP.
Tainted Guard alternatives
Use Tainted Bastion for magical anti-heal & Tainted Guard for physical anti-heal. Unbroken Will is a great steel counter as it will make you heal every time you get CC'ed. Void helm should be used when you are facing a midlaner on your lane but is also a good option against heroes with Fire Blossom. Wardens Faith is a nice alternative if you are facing a crit-carry on offlane.
Flux Matrix alternatives
Timewarp is a another damage alternative and will massively decrease your cooldowns.
Dynamo alternatives
These items are very situational. Use Raiment of Renewal if you want to go for even more health & sustain, Crystalline Cuirass if you need more magical armor.