Predecessor Builds > TwinBlast > Tankbuster TwinBlast
The primary goal of this build is to ensure consistent early game performance so that you have the gold necessary to break tanks and bruisers in the mid-late game. You need to max Q/L1 first to maximize your damage output.
We ensure consistent early game performance with Mindrazor and Tainted Rounds. By the time you get Tainted rounds online, you will clear minion waves faster than any other 2 item combination I have come across. (Q/L1, autox2, RMB/R1, autox2, RMB/R1, autox2)
The build will lose in trades in extended engagements, so it is best to avoide fighting 1v1 unless ahead by at least half an item and in 2v2s unless your support is good. The wave clear speed means that you can turtle up under tower in unfavorable matches and still effortlessly clear waves while keeping your tower healthy. You will generally out-damage other carries in short engagements as long as you can disengage after you use your ability rotation.
Once you get to 3 items - with the 3rd usually being Demolishor - You will be in a position to erase tanks and bruisers from the map in teamfights. Your last 2 items will be situational based on if you need to chew through armor or health.
I don't recommend this build if you are going up against a team of full squishies, but you be generally effective by substituting demolisher for sky splitter with the last 2 items again being situational.