Predecessor Builds > Khaimera > Let's Just Say, Hypothetically, You Could Never Die [WIP]

[Testing 2/17/25]
[Tips Pulled from the Build Creator Jesse Pinkman]
- Max out Ambush (jump/leap ability) first. Max out Unleash(attack speed ability) first if you want faster jungle clears but I do not suggest this since his jump cooldown can become very short if you max it out first, allowing you to spam it and staying on whoever you want to stay on even after they blink/teleport/dash.
These builds allow you to play Khaimera as a frontline tank that deals a lot of damage. You will also be able to tower dive and win a lot of 1v2-1v3 situations so don't be scared to jump in.
You should be doing 1 of 2 things in every teamfight:
- 1.) Peeling
- 2.) Attacking the enemy that does the most DPS initiate fights! but make sure your team follows up. If you need to pull out of a fight early do that
Whenever you can give your teammates the kill!! You will be strong without having to take all the kills/gold
Khaimera can solo fang as soon as it spawns. If you see a play for early fang go for it.
Give Midlane/Offlane mini prime unless you need it for duo lane
You should be tanking the most damage every game
Overload + Rapture is the core and their damage can scale with your max health.
Khaimera's passive allows him to stack up a lot of health regeneration and this will allow you to stay in fights longer. Make sure you're stacking up!
Ambush gives 3 stacks and does 2x damage if the enemy is low health.
Invigorate (healing) gives more healing the more stacks you have
Try to land a 3+ man ult. This will give you 15-25 stacks instantly, giving you a speed boost and a ton of health regeneration off the bat!
Draconum and Void Helm boost the healing ability of Invigorate and the health regeneration of your passive. Combine both items together to get INSANE health regeneration in fights!
You can use ult to prevent someone from escaping when they activate a plant!! Land ult as soon as the plant gets hit to make the enemy stand still during the animation.
Test 1 -- 9/0/4 -- Win
Damage Dealt -- 222,814
Damage Taken -- 56,863