Predecessor Builds > Gideon > 💀 Hands down the best Gideon build 🙌

Build Updated at: 2024-12-28 19:10:17 UTC
💀 Hands down the best Gideon build 🙌
Author: SVDDEN_BB13 (Gold II)
Role: Midlane

Tempest - Amazing extra damage when you use ult, plus you heal based on damage dealt allowing you to fight after ult finishes instead of being helpless. You get HP regen instead of Mana regen with Tempest, so controlling river buffs is a must, especially early on. It's common I'm able to grab one river buff and then portal jump to the other one and get that buff too. (Proper ward usage is important. You don't want to portal over to other side and have enemies there unknowingly with no way to retreat besides using your blink. Portal to the side where you have a ward so you know it's clear first.)

Epoch- Pretty much a must have if your midland opponent is Morigesh. It literally negates his ult with ease. You'll replenish mana instead of hp with epoch instead of tempest.

First two items of combustion and wraith leggings are non-negotiables. The more penetration you have during early levels helps tremendously. I used to do overseer third for this reason, but lately I've been a fan of oblivion crown third. Once oblivion crown is acquired the amount of damage you do to opponents relative to the lower hp levels in early-mid game is huge, especially since most opponents will have little to no magical armor at this point.

If your opponents are successful in stunning you when you pull your ult, you need the Truesilver Bracelet. Depending how the game is going, I'll typically get this 3rd or 4th.

If you're playing a team full of people like countess, Kira, Rev, Rik etc. You need to get Tainted Sceptor to disrupt their health regen. Usually comes third for me, pushing oblivion crown to 4th or even 5th if you decide you also need bracelet and/or overseer before oblivion crown.

Caustica is a must have 4th or 5th item. Don't get it first 3 items, opponents don't typically have magical armor yet and that's the whole benefit of caustica. I'd rather have the extra magical power early on, then get caustica 4th.

Astral catalyst is great but I often sub it out for bracelet, tainted sceptor or time warp. If you don't need these items, give astral catalyst a try. You get a huge decrease in ult regen time if you get a kill when using your ult. If you get a double or triple kill its even less time. A triple kill using your ult and stral catalyst results in your ult being available again in arpund 20 seconds, something crazy quick like that. With this item I'm able to pull my ult once every minute or less late game, and Gideons ult wrecks fools. You don't always need the perfect group fight for the ult, use it frequently just be smart about it.

Time warp is a great item. The decreased regen time for your moves is huge. Gideons basic attk is weak, the more you can drop big ol rocks on they heads the better and allows you to maintain distance.

I rarely use it, but soul binder is pretty cool just because of the extra range. Opponents like gadget can be frustrating because it seems gadgets range is better than gideons without it.

I don't expect anyone to read and dissect this, but if you love it or hate it I'd appreciate any feedback.

NOT A BUILD, these are alternate items depending on opp lineup and skill
Level: 18
Physical Power
Magical Power
Physical Penetration
Magical Penetration
24 (+0%)
Critical Chance
Attack Speed
Magical Lifesteal
Physical Armor
Magical Armor
Max Health
Max Mana
Health Regeneration
Mana Regeneration
Heal & Shield Power
Ability Haste
Movement Speed