Predecessor Builds > Feng Mao > (offmeta) Annoying Feng Mao Split pusher

Build Updated at: 2023-11-06 23:00:04 UTC
(offmeta) Annoying Feng Mao Split pusher
Author: Nemurenai (Platinum I)
Role: Offlane

This build is for those who like to split push and be annoying doing so

for the early game, you want to max out your E ASAP, as it is both your lane clear and your main damage tool, take fights if you can but play generally safely as this build is made to annoy your offlane counterpart not to beat them In a Fair 1v1 fight. you want to get Soul chalice early, but then immediately Build into overlord as this give you some Hp for survivability, your First instance of AOE Damage in the form of its passive, and a little bit of extra damage, remember that with this build, sometimes using abilites on minions instead of trying to burst down a Steel or a Sevrog is probably the Better option, you are not trying to Win the Battle, but the War.

once you get Overlord and Mindrazor online, shove the hell out of your lane until your laner comes back to lane, once they come back you rotate to gank mid or even duo lane/get objs/or steal jungle Camps from the enemy Jungle

when your Opposing offlane sees you rotate, they are either forced to chase you, and lose out on farm and lane advantage, or they stay in lane and now its a 2v1 or 4v5 (depending on the situation) in other lanes

Mainly play like this in the late game

If your Opposing offlane is in lane, Shove your lane as much as possible and then immediately rotate, as you dont want to ignore your lane completely and give your offlaner free towers, if your offlane is not in lane and going for objs, you go and take ans many towers as your can with smart minion management/forced shoving until someone comes back to contest the towers, the moment someone comes back, immediately look for a gank mid or steal jungle, if you get chased bail out, do not try to take anything just leave unless you are baiting the enemy team for a gank, if you can force the enemy team to use their ults on you, but you somehow manage to survive, you still provide value as now in the next teamfight, they wont have their ults.

Late Game Items
Getting Salvation is a pretty safe option, if the enemy team is running multiple mages, get Crystalline Curiass, if the have heroes with slow abilities like Greystone, Gadget, or Howie, you might want Tectonic Mallet, grab Stonewall if you plan on frontlining for your team in the late game, though its gonna be hard, or if you are getting Jumped alot, stonewall with give you a single opportunity to get out, Wardens Faith for the Multi Adc Team comps. FrostGuard for Sparrow and Twinblast Specifically

Early game
Late game Tech items
Level: 18
Physical Power
Magical Power
Physical Penetration
Magical Penetration
0 (+0%)
Critical Chance
Attack Speed
Magical Lifesteal
Physical Armor
Magical Armor
Max Health
Max Mana
Health Regeneration
Mana Regeneration
Heal & Shield Power
Ability Haste
Movement Speed