Predecessor Builds > Yin > Yin God Build

Yin God Build
My Yin Jungle GUIDE
Understanding Yin
- Yin's passive allows her to amplify her attack speed with every auto up to 8 stacks. doesn't work on lane minions which is why carry role is a slow roller
- Her E ability is extremely weird to get used to at first but insanely powerful, so practice on minions walking around corners etc. This ability procs 3 stacks on Yin's passive so USE WHEN ENGAGING
- Her RMB is used mainly to counter enemy projectiles, MUST BE TIMED perfectly because you don't have a lot of time to reflect the projectile back to the enemies. Great for ganking duo lane with CC
- RMB also used to help clear farm.
- Yin Q allows her to cleave through all creeps/heroes and add some range to her Autos.
- USE Q when trying to add distance to melee champs and poke from afar.
- Finally, Yin R, she summons a windwall that stops all enemy projectiles from entering. Use in tight areas, or on top of multiple enemies
- Try and stay close to the edge of wall and kite around to not get hit by projectiles.
Starting Out!
- Begin match by heading to blue buff, start backing at exactly 1:00 and place ward at 1:05 as you're backing.
- Grab sensor and head to red buff.
- Your E resets your auto attack so I start with Auto>Smite>Auto>E on Red buff and proceed to run around pillar to kite and take less damage.
- Clear entire red side and while taking last camp, scan lanes to look for potential gank, I usually just insta-run to blue side. farm is important
- Be sure to use Q when starting a minion camp to insta-pop 3 stacks on your passive and don't forget to use E to reset Autos :)
- Clear blue side and you should almost ALWAYS be looking for a gank duo lane. If no gank / clear wards and reset.
Now We Play!
- After first back you're most likely just going to clear red side again while looking for potential ganks and ALSO looking for river camp pressure
- Try and focus on mid a lot because you are constantly nearby tend to be free with Yin engage.
- You are not always trying to fight, we play smart and objectively
- Focus on making a pick on enemy team and take early fangtooth.
Mid Game -->
By this point, if you are behind, FARM! Clear both sides of jungle and run into duo lane and soak EXP.
Yin CAN come back and carry. Focus on priority of enemies, engage when enemies make mistakes, proceed to take objectives. If team is not listening and not taking objectives, then mute all, stick to one lane and perma-push their turrets.
You should be just thunking 4-500's by this point so just look for pick and go for Prime. Prime is underrated it seems in ranked, but completely necessary when trying to end game. This obj is hard to take without getting an enemy or two down prior, so make a pick and get Prime when the time is right. After prime, entire team should reset or pick a lane and shove. The buff to team should just end game as long as team fights go well.
###Important things to keep in mind
-Yin Root insta-pops 3 stacks to passive
-Yin cleave resets auto attacks ( You can auto then press cleave ability which activates another auto instantly)
-Focus farming / CLEAR VISION
-Focus lanes that are AHEAD
-Get picks, focus objectives.