Predecessor Builds > Shinbi > THE Jungle Shinbi build
This is an easy Shinbi jungle build for you. Spirit of Amir will help you with early game clear. Itll be hard to keep up with most junglers but if you build into the tier 2 item first, that will assist before you can get the full item. I like to go maginfy second and this does two things. With spirit of Amir, your lifesteal feels good for two items and it also makes you a great boxer. However, this is also your first swappable item. I use this slot for tainted scepter if I see narbash, zinx, or khi. Megacosm is self explanatory. Overseer is really good but is also a swappable item. I like it because it not only lets your ULT SMACK, but it gives you MORE lifesteal and PEN. Do you see the theme here? This is a very sneaky lifesteal and pen build that will help you kill tanks and squishies alike. If you are killing without overseer, go prophecy for the extra boxing. This stacks really well with Typhoon. Wraith Leggings is for the extra movement but also stacks well with overseer (AND MORE PEN) and Caustica also has more Pen but would be your last swappable item. Caustica is good for all the tanks late game but if their team is more squishy you can go World Breaker or Oblivion Crown. I even go golems gift for some extra tankieness. Shinbi is tough to use but this is an easy build for those who can bare the early game for a late game unkillable fiend. If you are low in teamfights late game, go into the jgl, kill a couple camps and go back to the fight without having to back.