Predecessor Builds > Yin > Paragon Yin - The Ultimate Build

Build Updated at: 2024-11-24 18:19:49 UTC
Paragon Yin - The Ultimate Build
Author: [Godz] Krillari (Paragon)
Role: Jungle
Skill Order

Yin is a character with a really high skill-ceiling, arguably one of the highest out of all characters in pred. So if you're the kind of person who'd like to become a one-trick-player, this guide is created for you.

I'd recommend running Yin in the Jungle, Midlane, or Offlane, depending on what you prefer, personally I mainly play her in the Jungle.

One of the first things you need to learn is how to properly kite minions and take advantage of you cleave as well as your passive. Your passive grants attack speed every time you hit an enemy, up until 8 stacks. Every attack after that will refresh the duration to 3 seconds, if the duration runs out, you will need to start over from 0 stacks (unlike heroes like Zarus). So starting with your first skill, always pick Windburn, it helps with sustain as well as a really good passive for free damage. Then going to your red camp, after you move to the next one, make sure you're kiting the red buff so you still maintain your 8 stacks onto the next camp, this becomes easier if you pick lash kick as your second skill, but can be done without it.

While clearing to maximize the cleave from Windburn, imagine the whip as going in a straight line, and everything in that line will be hit by 100% cleave, so try to move around and sort of line up your minions while clearing. Mastering camp rotations and maintaing your stacks will save you a looot of time and help you snowball.

Another important thing to learn with Yin is how incredible Lash Kick is. You can pretty much grapple onto any wall on the map and jump over it, you just have to find the right spots, which takes a lot of time to learn and master. I'd recommend to try to find some great spots and always keep them in mind when needing to gank/rotate/escape. Having all these areas to navigate through as your second-nature will be extremely valuable and will take you from an average to a master Yin.

Now some smaller things to keep in mind:
Windburn resets your auto-attack timer, allowing for an extra attack in quick succession. Use the sequence Attack → Windburn → Attack to optimize your damage output.
Another thing is her Lash Kick gives your passive 3 stacks if you hit an enemy with it, so sometimes it's good to start your camp rotations with it after you're level 3+. It's also important to master hitting enemies with it as it will give a looot more value compared to if you aimed it at the ground. 1. 3 free stacks, 2. free damage on enemy, 3. rooting the enemy, 4. Pushing enemy in the opposite direction. So try really practice getting the aim down for it.

In terms of items, people like to build differently, her physical damage scaling is at 85% which is quite high, so building her like an ADC, despite being in the jungle, can be incredibly strong, but there's of course other way to build her. When Yin has all her items built, her Lash Kick should never be used purely to deal damage, it should always be used to attempt a reflect as using it purely to deal it's damage will just slow her down.

Now if you've mastered these steps, there's another even more difficult part about Yin to master, her reflection (BackLash). Being able to reflect enemy projectiles back at them, trying to predict your enemy and also trying to react to some abilities will be a make-or-break-it scenario a lot of times. Her ult helps with this, being able to be used defensively as well as offensively, makes it extremely versatile but mastering that ult is something that will take a lot of time. Yin will always have the potential to outsmart her opponents, which makes her such an amazing character.

when it comes to the items, I haven't been able to find juuust the perfect build yet along with optional swap-outs. So I will be editing the guide and add all that later on.

Edit: Yin has quite a few items you can try out and use.
As a first item, Sky Splitter is just great, it's a solid item to build first.
For second item, I prefer Lightning Hawk over Dust Devil due to the fact that it helps with clear speed and it's used a lot more, it can also help with catch opponents when chasing them down thanks to the 30% slow for .7s when spending your charges.
for the third item, Tainted Rounds is really solid, especially if your team needs anti-healing. But the other passives is also really good, giving a lot of extra on-hit damage that scales more the lower the enemy's health is.
For the fourth item, Demolisher is really good, especially great if the enemy comp is quite beefy. If there's only squishes, you can honestly swap Demolisher out for any of the alternative items.
For the fifth item, Imperator is just extremely solid. Helping you go from being strong to becoming a demon.
For the last item, I've found Equinox to be really solid, getting that last +20% crit chance to reach 100%, along with bonus damage and survivability.

Ult/Reflect interactions on other heroes:
Pretty much everything with movement speed that is flying in the air can be reflected/denied, some examples of this is Howie's missile, Dekker's ball, etc. It also reflects every single ranged basic attack. But there are some major exceptions to her reflect, for example Kira's ult and Skylar's Lazer.

Now, utilizing every part of her kit along with good spacing will make her unstoppable, all you need is to put the practice down and give it your all. Rise and Shine, it's Time to Grind! :)

Alternative items to try
Level: 18
Physical Power
Magical Power
Physical Penetration
Magical Penetration
0 (+0%)
Critical Chance
Attack Speed
Magical Lifesteal
Physical Armor
Magical Armor
Max Health
Max Mana
Health Regeneration
Mana Regeneration
Heal & Shield Power
Ability Haste
Movement Speed