Predecessor Builds > Serath > Serath professional diver

Build Updated at: 2023-10-16 13:12:26 UTC
Serath professional diver
Author: S E R A T H
Role: Jungle

The idea behind the build is to commit to be the backlane diver your team deserve.

Let me elaborate, Serath is squishy af and her damage scaling, while good, is most of the time not enough to close the deal. By going assassin or bruiser you will dominate the early game - not even a question - but past 25 min you will either let your prey escape with a sliver of health, die in the process (trading 1 for 1) or worst you died and they gets to live with 25 hp. By the time the ennemy bruiser and tank finish their third item you will go from dominating to irrelevant and get bullied to no end (I'm looking at you steel). End game comes and now ennemy adc has outscale you by a big margin. With no fed carry in your team its pretty much over. All you can do is being annoying by constantly split pushing but 1v1 are off the table so you play coward until your team either loose or win teamfight.

Do you want this ? No no no thanks we'll pass !
If you can't beat them -> JOIN THEM

Be the tank but high dps you always wanted to be ! kill and die only if you get too hotheaded by your new found power ! And bring that sweet victory home !

Low level players and randoms idea associate present to you : "Tank Serath who is actually a anti-tank but delete carry with assassin-like abilities"

Gameplan :

(Early game) Step 1 : Farm your jungle, don't take any risk & gank if lane are under 30%hp
-> Not under 50% hp, 30% ! why ? Even if u f*ck up, its a guaranteed kill with your 2 gap-closers + flash. While at 50% the ennemy can outplay you.

(Early game) Step 2 : Fire blossom first item, Draconum second
-> You have enough damage as is, more survavibility = less feed, more gold (When trading blows you wont end-up at 10% each time so you can farm longer)
Fire blossom will fill the damage gap of your auto-attack & Draconum will help with overhaul scaling (+60 damage total) and to stay on on the map (passive regen)

(Early game) Step 3 : The dragon mentality : Farm, steal lane, gank
-> Just have a good rotation, but adopt a "dragon mentality" gold is everything I know I know you should always help your team and if its safe by all mean do, but what you want is to stay on the map when ennemy is backing. How you would do that you ask ?

-> 1 & 2nd item help you a lot, but the ONE rule to follow is : don't force kill. I repeat : DON'T FORCE KILL !
If you make them flash its a win, if they have 20% hp its a win, if they back its a win, - best case scenario is them staying on the lane with 15% hp : they stress, loose cs, they are constantly pushed so tower take damage without you sticking out your neck, they are prone to die & you take tower in the same time, from my point of view its all jolly good fun.
In early teamfight, stay back, snatch a kill if you can and go instantly invade its FREE gold, finish your jungle, back and go gank.

(Mid game) Step 4 : You have less than 2 death ? Maybe 3 or 4 kills ? Congratulation you achieved overpowerness !
Normally you should have finished your crest. First, why did I made you take this one in particular ? Couple of reasons : its give 300 hp, yeah bitch, the damage is unavoidable (true damage), you are mostly invincible when you activate the item (damage proc when you use Heaven fury) and get free hp all game long.

-> At that point you should get your Basilisk asap, its all you can dream of, more ability haste, more hp more damage, % armor reduction for those pesky tank and minimum health damage in % to help finish your kills. Sky splitter is icing on the cake, a bit of attack speed, and more damage on hit.

If you have done everything right, you should be an absolute terror : you absorb damage like a sponge, assassin can't burst you, adc can't escape you and tank are 2nd class citizen. You got the mobility, you got the damage, you got the tankiness, you got the money you got the bichies you got the p... Well, go get that win alright.

Back to serious, at that point you are all powerful. Just dive on the ennemy carry and look at them evaporate while tanking all the damage. Don't wait for an opportunity, be the opportunity for your team. With heaven fury and Ascend, you are really hard to pin down. Don't hesitate to stay in the air for a full second, it really mess up the ennemy and contrary to gideon you are not an easy target. (Lets be real, if you ascend to catch a prey they are more likely to just run and not hit you). If early game was a caution playstyle, mid game is an aggressive one. Provoke teamfight, push lane, invade, do objectives and rip the benefice of not having to back ever 2 min.

(End game) Step 5 : Teamfight, push, win
If you are feeling frisky take a perforator -insert dong joke - and well perforate through anything too stupid to try to stop you.
Mage fed -> take Crystalline
Adc fed -> take stone wall (free aoe stun)
Too much healing -> tainted guard

Dodge spell with heaven fury, keep Ascend for chase or defence,
Thats all folks, kudos

Level: 18
Physical Power
Magical Power
Physical Penetration
Magical Penetration
0 (+0%)
Critical Chance
Attack Speed
Magical Lifesteal
Physical Armor
Magical Armor
Max Health
Max Mana
Health Regeneration
Mana Regeneration
Heal & Shield Power
Ability Haste
Movement Speed