Predecessor Builds > Greystone > Greystone Offlane and Jungle

Saphir’s Mantle – When activated this item deals 1.25% of your max health as damage to nearby heroes. This works best when the enemy is grouped up as it permanently increases your max health by 20% of the damage you deal in this way. For 6 seconds it also increases your max health by 12% giving you a nice buff when engaging on an enemy 1v1, 1v2, or rotating lanes.
Razorback – When engaging with enemies that deal significant burst damage this item will deal 15% back to the source. It also increases both physical and magical armor helping to resist attacks especially when diving in for the team fight.
Starting Items:
Tier 1 – The starting item can go any way really with either Shortsword, Longbow, or Vitality Beads. Choosing one could be dependent on the enemy you are matched with, whether you are in the jungle, or what you plan to do in lane. When in the Jungle choosing physical power is probably the best move since it will help deal more damage to the jungle monsters which in turn will help you clear faster. Attack speed could also be the play helping you to attack more often. I have found that the physical power deals more damage over time compared to the attack speed. In lane, I would not choose attack speed at all as a starting item. Max health tends to let you get hit 2 to 3 more times at level 1 and 2 and if you are dodging the enemy’s attacks will make it seem like you have an extra 300 health to the enemy. Physical damage will help you bully the enemy with your Make Way ability while also dealing damage to all minions simultaneously.
Earthshaker – With Greystone’s make way ability, Earthshaker immediately stacks to the 15% increase in ability damage when in an area around minions or groups of enemies. That’s either in the jungle or in lane, this item significantly increases Greystone’s damage output early game. It also builds in with the other items in this build to really help you get the boxing fights in and helps you sustain in 2v1 fights.
Bonesaw vs Overlord:
Bonesaw – While this item does not immediately build attack speed in the tier 1 or 2 items to get this item fully online it does help significantly once online. It increases max health by a large +500 and deals 2% of your max health as damage on every third attack. Where it shines is increasing attack speed to get your 3rd attack off more often and slows the enemy by 25% to keep them within striking distance.
Overlord – This item has a large health increase of +400 and deals area damage against all foes to assist with clearing minions in lane or in the jungle quickly. It also increases physical power by 2.5% of your max health. As you build health with Saphir’s Mantle and health items this item is continuing to make Greystone stronger and deal more damage.
Basilisk – This is one of those items that builds onto Earthshaker nicely. Due to Greystone’s Make Way ability it immediately maxes out the corrode ability on this item reducing the enemy’s physical armor by 24% and dealing 3.5% missing health as damage per hit. A sizeable health increase of +350 helps Greystone’s ultimate and builds into the high health build we are looking at.
Tainted Blade vs Tainted Rounds:
Tainted Blade – Gives ability haste and +350 health to increase the overall effectiveness of Greystone’s ultimate ability. Activates on dealing damage which can affect multiple enemies at the same time due to the wide Area of Effect of the Make Way ability. If you are not focusing on Crit items, this is the tainted item you want to go with. This item makes you deal more damage to all enemies when team fighting.
Tainted Rounds – Increases attack speed and gains crit chance. Activates on basic attack. This affects 1 target at a time. If focusing on Crit items, this is the item you will want to go with. This helps you burst one target down quickly which is ideal for grabbing a gank or making enemies turn and run during a team fight.
Ashbringer – Ashbringer doesn’t bring a lot of base damage to the table at first glance, but it does bring more than expected. By the time this item is online it is giving you 20% crit chance on all the damage you are dealing from your other items. It gives attack speed and reduces your non-ultimate abilities cooldowns by 0.3 seconds each basic attack hit. This item allows for Make Way and Sacred Oath to always be on and allows you more mobility with Assault the Gates being ready for use very quickly.
Gia Greaves – Increases Greystone’s ability to traverse the map to rotate between lanes or move from objectives quickly. Provides a nice health boost of +350 and increases jump height by 75% helping Greystone’s Assault the Gates ability to chase and escape when needed.
Sky Splitter vs Dust Devil vs Lightning Hawk:
Sky Splitter – At the end of the game this item is what you are looking for if you want to be able to solo Primal Fangtooth or Orb Prime. It gives you 8% lifesteal and deals 3% of the target’s current health as damage. This is particularly helpful against the objectives.
Dust Devil – This Crit item increases attack speed by up to 43% stacking with bonesaw’s ability of increasing attack speed and slowing the enemy. This item grants 15% movement speed preventing the enemy from getting away from you or dealing with Murdoch who pushes characters away with his shotgun to create space.
Lightning Hawk – This Crit item deals 25% of your physical damage as magical while moving and attacking. It slows by 30% for 0.75 seconds stacking well with Bonesaw. This item and Dust Devil are great for the attack speed increases and both items provide 20% Crit which assists with Ashbringer.
Salvation vs Giant’s Ring:
Salvation – Increase health by +500 and gain 20% tenacity. Tenacity reduces CC durations and gets you back in the fight quicker. When you go down to 40% of your health you gain a shield that consists of 22% of your max health. When being CC’d by multiple enemies in team fights this prolong’s your life long enough to assist with getting your ultimate off and regenerating health. This item can help to get you out of the fight or prolong it for your team to come in and assist.
Giant’s Ring – Not the largest of health boosts of all the items with +300 given. This item pairs well with Ashbringer as when you are hit by basic attacks it reduces your non-ultimate cooldowns by 0.25 seconds. Both items keep your abilities online, help with sustain, chasing and escaping. On Ultimate cast you mitigate 5% of all damage taken which assists in those team fights where you are the target.