Predecessor Builds > Muriel > Offlane Build for the win, annoy them until they lose
This Build makes Muriel very annoying to play against.
I know, the crest is not what you see often, but trust me, it is so funny.
I recommend always buying Alchemical Rod first and Orb of Growth second, so that you scale into a monster. Only finish Alchemical Rod into Azure Core after you finished the 5th Item.
The 6th Item and 4th are spots for situational Items.
REMEMBER you are a LATEGAME Monster, until then, do whatever you can to help and hold the lanes, even though you are the most rewarding in the lategame, you have enough possibilities in early/midgame to be annoying.
Until you can actually fly around the Map with your Ult and are actually able to outdamage your Offlane-opponent, play safe in your side of the lane, and just poke them with your Q as often as you can. You have the range to always play safe, so try to.
This is especially important because you do need quite some time to build your crest.
The Moment you get your Ult use it to either help out your other lanes to kill somebody or to prevent your team from being killed.
And whenever you are able to, safe yourself with your Ult, so that you can maintain your Blink.
NOW, to the crest. Time-Flux makes three things possible:
1. Chase somebody you could finish, without setting yourself in absolut danger
2. Confuse the enemy to escape
Just try it, the Astral Catalyst makes this one of the funniest Builds: Fly into the fight for a splitsecond, get a kill, maybe even two and most important the assists. Boom, your Ult is ready again.
Splitpushing never was more rewarding!
BUT do not get overconfident, timing is usually what makes the game, and with this build it is even more important. If you get the timing right, it is extremely rewarding, but if you just smash buttons, this build is not really filling out its potential.