Predecessor Builds > Khaimera > Khaimera 1v1 assassin and split pusher from jungle

You go marksman crest because you can complete it's stacking super fast and this can help you snowball quickly. You should start red buff and clear that side before looking for a quick gank. If there is no gank, go to the other side and clear and look for another gank. If you see the enemy jungler ganking, either counter if you are nearby or go to their jungle and take a camp or two. When you can complete your cleaver, base and do that. When you can complete your crest, base as well. This build is very strong with burst early. You don't have many escape tools when fighting, so once you are in, stay in until either you die or the opponent dies. You are looking for quick 1v1 fights in the jungle or fast ganks in a lane and then return to farming. If you can engage without using your leap (RMB) first, it is best to save your leap to follow their initial escape, but if that isn't an option, leap and throw down your burst. It is ok to just jump on someone and do 30% of their HP and leave. Khaimera is very good at killing Fangtooth, so be sure to prioritize it when you see it is available.
After you have two completed items, look for opportunities to split push a lane into a tower. You can shred towers with your Q, and you can 1v1 (or sometimes 1v2) most champions at this point. Remember to look at the map when split pushing, as you are vulnerable to multiple units collapsing on you. Create pressure and get out.
In late game team fights, you are looking to jump on the carry and burst them with your RMB, Q, Ult combo. Use your E as soon as you are CCed and be sure to use your crest for the additional damage. When the carry is dead, either jump to next target or get out depending on the fight. If your team is consistently losing team fights, you can go to pure split pushing and just create threats on the opposite side of the map. This build kills towers fast and you can end quickly if no one answers you. If it is just one person, you can fight and continue to push.