Predecessor Builds > Murdock > 🔥SPICY🔥MURDOCK THE EXECUTIONER
Build Overview
This build is centered on enhancing Murdock's burst damage and sustain while providing tools for survivability. Pacifier adds a crucial dash, giving Murdock much-needed mobility to dodge threats and reposition in fights. Vanquisher boosts lethality, making it easier to secure kills on low-health targets and turn skirmishes in your favor. Solaris provides lifesteal and a shield for durability, making Murdock tougher against magic-based opponents. Lightning Hawk adds attack speed and crit chance, ramping up his DPS output and allowing him to win trades and skirmishes. Demolisher rounds out the build with armor penetration, ensuring Murdock’s late-game damage remains effective even against tanks.
Crest - Pacifier: This Crest provides a handy dash, allowing Murdock to reposition during skirmishes, escape threats, or chase down fleeing enemies. The added mobility synergizes well with his high-damage build and helps him stay alive when pressured.
Vanquisher: Boosts your lethality by applying bonus damage to low-health enemies, making it easier to secure kills in team fights or during solo engagements.
Spectra is an item in Predecessor that provides a significant boost to attack speed and ability haste, allowing sustained damage output while enhancing survivability through abilities perfect for zoning. Its passive ability, Prisma, stacks bonus damage based on the target's missing health, making it particularly effective for finishing off enemies.
Lightning Hawk: Enhances attack speed and crit chance, ensuring that Murdock can fire more shots quickly with a good chance of crit damage. Also applying a slow which with a help of Hot pursuit and Pacifier enemies are forced to fight back, making sure that there is no escape for them.
Demolisher: Maximizes your late-game damage by providing armor penetration and a significant damage boost against high-defense targets, helping you stay relevant even against tankier enemies.
Static Trap (Q): Deploys a trap that roots enemies who step on it. Ideal for area control, kiting, and punishing over-aggressive foes, it also adds utility to Murdock’s kit by setting up ganks or escapes.
Hot Pursuit (E): Passive that grants bonus movement speed when attacking. This keeps Murdock mobile while poking or chasing down enemies, enabling him to keep up with foes during extended fights.
Long Arm of the Law (R): Murdock’s long-range snipe that travels across the map that can travel through anything. Use this to finish off fleeing opponents and assisting allies across the map (with a help of vanquisher), or initiate a fight with massive poke damage.
Buckshot (RMB): Fires a powerful blast that deals damage through walls and pushes enemies back. It’s great for zoning, peeling melee champions, and securing last hits.
Ability priorities: RMB > E + Q
Gameplay Phases
Early Game: Focus on farming and positioning safely. Use Buckshot to poke enemies and Static Trap to create zones of control or prevent ganks. With Pacifier’s mobility, you can disengage when pressured. Keep stacking gold for your core items, especially Vanquisher and Solaris, which will increase your kill potential and sustain.
Mid Game: At this stage, you should have Vanquisher and possibly Solaris completed. Use Hot Pursuit to kite effectively and deal consistent damage while staying mobile. Position yourself carefully, as you’re a prime target for enemies. Static Trap placement becomes crucial to peel and control fights, while Long Arm of the Law can help secure kills or finish off low-health targets.
End Game: By now, you should have Lightning Hawk and Demolisher, giving you a significant DPS boost. Your role is to stay in the backline, dealing sustained damage while using Pacifier to avoid threats. Prioritize targets that can be quickly eliminated with Vanquisher’s execute damage and save Long Arm of the Law for critical moments to finish off low-health enemies or disrupt enemy plans.
Final Thoughts
This build turns Murdock into a high-threat ADC with potent sustained and burst damage. Positioning is key, as Murdock lacks hard escapes beyond Pacifier. Leveraging his abilities to control distance and take out enemies quickly will allow you to shine in fights, especially as you pick off vulnerable targets. Maintain awareness of enemy positioning and use Static Trap and Pacifier wisely to keep yourself safe while delivering maximum damage output.