Predecessor Builds > Iggy & Scorch > Midlane Menace & Fangtooth Slayer

Build Updated at: 2024-11-06 11:07:16 UTC
Midlane Menace & Fangtooth Slayer
Author: NervousRat317
Role: Midlane

This build will zone out and melt the enemy. If they get too close, back up and throw down turrets. Make sure to kill Fangtooth the first couple of time and assist the jungler.

I have tried so many builds and this works really well for me. I'm not out to get the most kills, but to be a good midlander. Push the lane, help others, chase opposing midlander, kill Fangtooth and repeat.

Early game.
Wards. Place them. You'll need to know where the jungle is at all times. Make sure to go back when you have 1200 gold and purchase items. Go directly to Fangtooth and don't ask for help. Kill it and do damage control on midline. As soon as you have pushed the lane back, help others with the preference for the jungler. When the pressure is high from the opposing midlaner, just stay on the lane. Do chase the opposing midlaner if they leave the lane. Sabotage is the keyword. Don't get killed.

Mid game.

Wards. Place them. At this point you'll have the most tree important items. This will help you push and get out if the enemy gets to close. Rotate and make sure to maintain the towers on midlane if possible. I gank other lanes, but I don't get up close. Securing kills is not my priority. I want to be a manace and push lanes. Gives them no time to do other objectives. I feel more like a support than midlander.

End game.

The best part! Wards. Place them. Push lanes and get out on time. Be annoying. I tend to split push if possible. Support and help others and keep an eye out for Fangtooth and Prime. You can actually throw the turrets over the wall behind these pits. You can safely help securing the buffs and keep enemy hero's out. This also works really well when you want to steal the kill. When you get the prime buff DON'T GO BACK. Can't stress this enough. Finish the game.

Some tips
- Use your ult to get away, or to help teammates. Iggy's ult is so easily stopped. I activate and immediately stop the ult for the knock back.

  • You can get away easier with dreambinder and wraith leggings. It's not much, but just enough to create the difference. Good Iggy players know when to back up. For the getaway, place a turret where you want to run to. If they chase you, the turret will hit and slow them. This does require some restraint with the turrets.

  • Help the jungler. Ganks, objectives or invading enemy jungle. This well help the other lanes a lot. During hero selection share what you want to do. This will help your jungler.

  • Use. wards.

Have fun!

Anti tank items
Level: 18
Physical Power
Magical Power
Physical Penetration
Magical Penetration
10 (+0%)
Critical Chance
Attack Speed
Magical Lifesteal
Physical Armor
Magical Armor
Max Health
Max Mana
Health Regeneration
Mana Regeneration
Heal & Shield Power
Ability Haste
Movement Speed