Predecessor Builds > Greystone > Raid Boss Grey

Early Concepts for Raid-boss Greystone: Dive deep in those teamfights or 1v3 in the sidelane.
-Three offensive items, 2 defensive items and a cap item feels like a pretty good balance.
-Room to flex for unique scenarios: you have 2 other frontline (probably jg/sup), enemy is all 1 damage type.\
-Start titan crest vs ranged heroes and Aurora, warrior crest vs melee
-Broadsword -> Basalisk vs tanks
-Kris + short sword -> Infernum vs fighters/assasins
-Cleaver -> 2 other items -> Overlord vs. high clear/farm lanes (mobile+high wave clear ranged characters)
Trade patterns
-Grey benefits from long trades that allow him to take advantage of his passive stacks
-Stacks last 5 seconds, look to get a few stray autos (without dropping passive) to gain a few stacks before all inning
-When going for the all in look to use just 3-4 autos to start, bringing in E until fully stacked then using Q with all that bonus AD (17.6 AD at lvl 3 + a starting short sword is 25 power or over THREE short swords)
-Q is our highest scaling ability, so with the added damage in duration from more autos this stacks up a lot, typically people are willing to trade if q isnt on