Predecessor Builds > Feng Mao > 🔥SPICY🔥JUNGLE FENG MAO BUILD!!!

Core Items
-Feng Mao has trouble with jungle clearing in early game, target minions with big health to maximize its effectiveness.
-Stack up malady as much as possible.
-By mid-game (15 - 25 min.) you should have at least 7 to 8 stacks ready, make yoourself an even more dangerous target then you were before.
-Used for tanks, grands you more movement speed.
-Ability cast grands physical penetration and movement speed, combine it with omen.
-Use Hamstring and Safeguard to stack it up and Reaping Dash and Earth Shatter to chase down fleeing enemies.
-Apply slow to targets making hard for them to escape.
-Eliminating enemies one third of their physical armor making him a threat, not only to squishes, but to tanks to.
-Penumbra focuses on boosting Feng Mao's basic attack damage through crits and attack speed, ideal for long fights or follow-up after his initial burst.
-Boosts critical damage, allowing Feng Mao to capitalize on his auto-attacks after using abilities to engage.
-After diving in with abilities, Feng Mao can rely on his enhanced auto-attacks for follow-up damage. The crits from Penumbra help him deal more damage over time, especially in extended skirmishes where basic attacks play a role after the initial burst.
Hamstring(Q): Feng Mao swings his weapon in a wide arc, dealing damage and slowing enemies hit, making it ideal for chasing or zoning.
Reaping Dash(E): Feng Mao dashes to a target, dealing damage to the enemy, and can be used both offensively and defensively for mobility.
Safeguard(RMB): Feng Mao gains a temporary shield, protecting him from damage and allowing him to tank crucial hits in a fight.
Earth Shatter(R): Feng Mao smashes the ground in a large area, dealing massive damage to all enemies hit, perfect for team fights and finishing off opponents in a burst.
Early Game (Levels 1-7):
Lane Presence and Farming:
1.Start in the jungle.
2.Focus on last-hitting minions to gain card power and experience.
3.Use your abilities (especially Reaping Dash) to harass enemy heroes and secure last hits.
Jungle Rotation (if applicable):
1.Clear jungle camps between waves to maximize efficiency.
2.Look for opportunities to invade the enemy jungle or assist in securing river buffs.
Ganking and Rotations:
1.Coordinate with your team for ganks in the mid or safe lane.
2.Use Hamstring (your slow ability) to set up kills for your teammates.
3.Rotate to help secure kills or relieve pressure in other lanes.
Objective Control:
1.Prioritize helping secure the River Buffs for your team.
2.Wait for teammate to help assisting with taking down the Cyan Buff or start setting up for an early Orb Prime.
Mid Game (Levels 8-14):
Split Pushing and Map Pressure:
1.Utilize your mobility and wave clear to split push lanes.
2.Apply pressure on towers and force rotations from the enemy team.
3.Keep an eye on the map and communicate with your team to avoid getting caught out.
Team Fighting:
1.Position yourself to initiate or counter-initiate team fights.
2.Use Earth Shatter to disrupt enemy formations and isolate key targets.
3.Prioritize squishy enemy heroes or high-priority targets with your abilities.
Objective Control:
1.Coordinate with your team to secure objectives like Raptors or strategic buffs.
2.Use your burst damage to secure kills and turn fights in your team's favor.
3.Maintain vision control with wards to set up ambushes or prevent enemy rotations.
Team Fights (Level 15 - 18):
1.Wait for the right moment to engage; Feng Mao excels at catching opponents off guard.
2.Use Reaping Dash to close the gap and Hamstring to slow down fleeing enemies.
Target Priority:
1.Focus on disrupting enemy carries or high-damage dealers.
2.Use your abilities to peel for your own carries if they are under threat.
1.Position yourself to avoid being burst down early in the fight.
2.Look for opportunities to flank or dive onto priority targets without overextending.
Cooldown Management:
1.Be mindful of your ability cooldowns; use Earth Shatter to control the flow of battle and create opportunities for your team.
2.Use your Ultimate, Reaping Dash, to finish off low-health enemies or escape dangerous situations.
Final thoughts
Feng Mao is a versatile bruiser who excels at both engaging enemies and dishing out sustained damage. This build allows Feng Mao to not only deal significant damage through his abilities and auto-attacks but also to remain resilient against enemy assaults. Mastering his mobility and ability combos will maximize his effectiveness in skirmishes and team fights. With this setup, you'll be able to dominate the battlefield, controlling engagements while providing critical damage to secure objectives and takedowns. Always adapt your itemization based on the enemy team's composition and adjust your playstyle to capitalize on your strengths.