Predecessor Builds > Khaimera > Shredder Khaimera OHB 1.1
Malady helps decimate camps, leaping onto low targets builds malady quick and consistently.
One leap into a stim will activate infernum if you're holding BASIC ATTACK down. The objective damage from infernum is also incredible, you will have it for Fang#2
Perforator, harder hitting, more leap damage, more ult damage, lower leap CD. Keep leaping.
Basilisk for even more shred. This is where the build peaks, you're shredding enemy armour even though you already bypass it with perforator. If your carry is hitting the same target you LEAP + STIM + AA onto they will not survive the stun window most of the time by this point of the game. (Usually post Fang#3)
Draconum for some physical defence, melee jungle should round out into some for transition from roamer to initiator.
Void Helm for the same reason, just on the magical side. Between the extra healing and mid fight snowball effect these items have you become monstrous moving target to target.
I regularly use this build and sometimes upload to YT: