Predecessor Builds > Riktor > Tanky Riktor Boii
DO NOT STEAL MINION KILLS DAMNIT. get minions down to one hit for your carry to kill.
You wont be tanky right off the rip! Mid to late game is where you shine! The build is mainly for against phys damage but the ALT items can be switched out for protection against magical damage. DIE TO PROTECT YOUR CARRY ONLY IF THE CARRY CAN SAFELY GET OUT. Your job is to tank damage for them and protect them as long as it doesnt kill your both. Ability haste is maxed so your abilities will regen quick! Hook, Ult, silence. In that order. Try it out!
The Magical Armor ALT items will give you 5890 health and allow your abilities to regen super quick so make sure to use it if you need to protect from magical damage! sub out the 3rd, 5th and 6th items for the magical items.