Predecessor Builds > Riktor > ➕H e l t h // Rik support
Health Based Rik Support
This build focuses on building health to implement Rik's electrocute buff
The more health we have to more damage we do.
The build starts with doing the first two items fully (Elafrost & Fire Blossom)
From there I will build Horned Plate (the first item of Tainted Guard)
Next start on Void Helm with it's magic defense and complete, once complete go back and finish Tainted Guard
Once Tainted Guard is complete just finish the build as is with Fist of Razuul and Raiment of Renewal
Late Game Fist of Razuul helps with wave clears for pushing / defending lanes as electrocute will do ~1,100 damage to minions
If the enemy team selects a fey buying the reclamation (cleanse) crest is a no brainer.
You can essentially save your team every time and neutralize Fey's efficacy.
If the enemy team selects countess Tainted Bastion is a good counter for her and takes the place of Void Helm
When doing this build I will typically build Horned Plate followed immediately by Loch Shawl
Once those are complete finish Tainted Guard followed by Tainted Bastion and finish with Fist of Razuul and Raiment of Renewal