Predecessor Builds > Shinbi > Junglebi
This is a Lifesteal build. Goal is to secure the objectives early and possibly solo as well. Level Circle Rhythm with priority (after all skills are at least lvl 1).
Fangtooth spawns at 5:00 minutes. At lvl 3 with just one Blood Tome you can solo Fangtooth right away even without using "Hunt". But having Hunt online plus maybe one or a few buffs will make it quicker and leave you with more health.
Mini Orb spawns at 7:00 minutes but you won't be able to solo it much earlier than 12:00 minutes. For that you need to be at least lvl 7 and have full Lifebinder online as well as at least half of Prophecy (Attack Speed first).
Later in game your Lifesteal / Shield combo makes you quite durable in fights - with Silencing (Riktor) being your biggest threat. The Lifebinder / Wraith Leggings combo gives you fight durability with the incoming healing from Lifesteal and Omnivamp.
Lets say you are mid fight at 50% health in lane. You will have 28% magical lifesteal. If you would be in jungle it would even be 35%. Combine this with Soulbearer you would be at 48% or 55% in jungle. So using just one circle rhythm will give you a good chunk of health with the shield protecting you while healing. Make sure to use use all abilities including the damage from Rushing Beat and also your Ultimate. With the magic penetration and magical armor shred and relatively low cooldowns on most of your skills the lifesteal works really well and gives you quite a bid of sustain because you get more powerful on the damage side (Wraith & Lifebinder) the longer you stay in a fight. Just be careful to dash / blink out early enough and then pop your ultimate, because you will still be very squishy.
Keep in mind that all forms of magical damage will give you magical lifesteal - so even the passives from Prophecy and Magnify. The magical lifesteal is not much on its own but combined it is quite significant.
In between fights you can heal up at jungle camps because not only does Spirit of Amir give your extra lifesteal in jungle, you also do more damage to monsters = more incoming healing.