Predecessor Builds > Steel > A support Steel guide (I couldnt fit everything in this description. This is my first guide aswell)

Build Updated at: 2023-09-02 10:18:15 UTC
A support Steel guide (I couldnt fit everything in this description. This is my first guide aswell)
Author: D4NIL0L (Gold I)
Role: Support
Skill Order

Hello there I am D4NIL0L.
I played Paragon since 2016 and Fault until 2021. I am as a Steel main playing preferably Offlane or Support. This will be a short guide on Steel's item synergies and also some hero synergies.

Steel is a beefy boi and as such should you should build him like that as a support. He is the definition of hard CC with every single ability except his E being a form of hard CC. If played right he can bully even ranged supports through his very suppresive all in playstyle and Crowd Control. The first few levels can be his strongest point in the game under certain circumstances. For level 1 i usually only put a point in his Shield Bash (RMB) and hide behind the fog wall of duo lane, if it has not been warded and the enemy has not seen me walk to it. This way you can bait out a ward from the enemy support due to you being missing. If they walk into the fog wall or come very close to it your Shield Bash and autoattacks can do a good amount of damage and an incredible amount if your carry follows through. If successful though you and your ADC will be up in resources and can easily start bullying your opponents. Keep in mind, this does not always work as you are gambling with the fact that the enemy does not know you are there and can thus lead to you now being on the receiving end. If this happens you should stay passiv and block harass shots for your ADC if possible. If you are out of health pots it's just easier to reset and back now. For level 2 his Bull Rush (Q) is a great engage and disengage tool which paired with your RMB can become deadly in every stage of the game. During this period it's best to wait until the Gold buff has spawned and you reach level 3 where you level up your Shield (E). Steel's E can create somewhat of an arena due to it being able to block ranged attacks, thus cutting off the damage of the enemy ADC. Use it when you get engaged on to mitigate damage against you and your carry or to block off objectives such as Gold Buff, Raptor, Prime and Towers.
Steels next powerspike comes with his Ultimate Shield Slam (R). This baby allows you to CC lock enemies and leads most often to kills for your team due to it's 1,5 second knock up and stun. Most often this ability is followed by your RMB and maybe Q, if it was not used to get closer to your opponent. The rest of the levels will go into your RMB, Q, R if available and E.

As I have mentioned before Steel has an all in playstyle. With his great peel he can defend his ADC very well but can also engage. But during the later parts of the game your job will still be that of the support. Warding is essential and your number 1 priority is not damge but peeling for your team and most importantly Carry. So staying close to your Carry is essential to playing well. That is why Steel is best paired up with other Tanks on his team that can engage instead of him (that is if you play the support role) so that you can protect your carry more effectively.

Hero Synergies
In my opinion Murdock has the best synergy with Steel, due to being able to put traps under stunned enemies prolonging their stun duration and having his self peel Buckshot and Stimpack.
Revenant, Drongo and Twinblast also pair up well with him due to their damage or self peel abilities. While i think that Kira and Sparrow are not bad with him, the others just go better with Steel.

Gadget, Gideon and Fey really do well with Steel because of their ults. They are rather large, do massive damage and hit multiple targets. So 1 juicy ult on a couple of oponents from you and good follow up can lead to an instant win.
Lt. Belica and Countess also benefit from Steels hard CC with both having abilities that can Stun or Suppress an enemy. Altough they do great damage most of it is single target and they need to get kinda close to their enemies (Countess needing to do that more so than Belica) making it dangerous for them in a teamfight.
Morigesh doesn't really have any real synergy with Steel but everyone benefits from CC.

Ah Junglers, hate them, love them, they can be a godsend if they know what they are doing and doom if they don't.
Rampage (and Riktor if you play him jungle) really go well with Steel due to being able to engage on their own and having very strong CC. This makes it very easy to confirm kills with them on your side and your life easier because you do not have the burden of being the sole tank on your team.
Crunch, Feng Mao, Kallari and Khaimera are your single target monsters. They can get kills fast due to their insane damage and your lockdown gives them even more opportunities to dish it out. Though I must say that their squishyness (looking at you Feng and Kallari) and Item build can sometimes force you to leave your Carry and be the engaging frontline.

Without a doubt Riktor is the best choice for Steel with Grux being a close second. The amount of CC these 3 can combine will ensure any target that is hooked to be dead

First item if ahead and alot of Physical damge
Second items
4th and 5th Item depend on the enemy team
Level: 18
Physical Power
Magical Power
Physical Penetration
Magical Penetration
0 (+0%)
Critical Chance
Attack Speed
Magical Lifesteal
Physical Armor
Magical Armor
Max Health
Max Mana
Health Regeneration
Mana Regeneration
Heal & Shield Power
Ability Haste
Movement Speed