Predecessor Builds > Grux > Braindead Grux Support

Build Updated at: 2024-09-07 16:18:57 UTC
Braindead Grux Support
Author: asdont64
Role: Support

The whole point of the build is to try to pull and stun the enemy team using grux's many cc options, hence the 65 ability haste with extra reductions. Because he is support though, tank items are used so he doesnt evaporate due to the level difference. BELEIVE ME THOUGH, this build is a friendly jungle's wet dream.

Just some house keeping first though: Why Grux support?

Well a few reasons:
1. He has 3 stuns and one of them is a knock up
2. He has overtuned base health as an offlane hero
3. Easier than Steel and Riktor
4. Offlaners and Junglers already know how to play him
5. Only scales with physical, giving him the option of building fighter items.
6. He is a cutie :)

This build has terrorised SEA lobbies for a few weeks now and even though I am not very good at this game, my boy Grux is getting good mileage.

But onto the build...

Raiment is chosen first since it allows grux to stay in carry lane for longer, soaking up more xp. Also gives a buttload of health and some ability haste. It also allows you to disengage with or without leafsong, pot, get cds back and go back in to a fight.

Build order after that is a bit interchangable based on who you are playing into, for example, since dekker and zinx will usually try to stun you on approach, Unbroken Will will switch with Dynamo.

Dynamo is here for the extra 8% damage on stunned enemies, which you will be doing a lot of. It also boosts your basics somewhat.

Flux Matrix is only here to reduce enemy tenacity so they are stunlocked for longer. +magic damage is just a bonus for your midlaners. More haste too for ela procs with cross slash and stuns.

Giants Ring is chosen for every reason. It allows your stuns and even your cross slash to come back much quicker with the extra haste and flat reduction on basic passive. Making the player model bigger also helps grux hit his stuns.

Elafrost is a bit of a new option for me in the third slot. You see, Bonesaw works here for the slow. Fire Blossom works for the scaling passive damage. Salvation works here for survivability and phys power if you want to run skysplitter instead of dynamo. And beserkers axe can allow for easy jumps from jungle and extra speed. But Elafrost slows, scales with health, gives a bit of magic just for spice that allows you to get more value out of flux matrix, and also addresses the underlying mana issues of an 100 mana pull ability.

Unbroken Will isnt always the way to go. If you are playing into a any big heal build, you can switch it out for either of the tainted tank items as these also bleed based on physical defence, which is being stacked. Ofc, you could just run an offensive item like skysplitter or bonesaw here as final item. In the end game, your basics become quite important for actually ending the game and the extra slow or omnivamp could help. Also dont feel bad about popping ult on an inhibitor since chances are that if you survive the big teamfight you will have to take an inhib by yourself. Vangardian also works.

The choice of Leafsong crest might suprise a few considering that this is a health build, but from my personal experience allowing teammates to get out of the fight unscathed is better than them getting pummelled. Steroid speed also helps for chasing so it gives an offensive option too. Also never pick rift walkers on any character please they are so bad. I know some people would want to pull into grux ult since it seems perfect but its just a waste honestly walk up to them or hit another stun first.

Anyways, I hope someone gets something out of all of this. Just remember to stay flexible, there are similar items on almost every slot and every team is different. Like I dont blame you if you hate raiment and pick up fire blossom first or use vangardian instead of unbroken will or build bonesaw first, because honestly this is a bit of a meme build and the dumber your build is the more it will tilt the enemy team.

Damage over Stuns, if ya nasty
Level: 18
Physical Power
Magical Power
Physical Penetration
Magical Penetration
0 (+0%)
Critical Chance
Attack Speed
Magical Lifesteal
Physical Armor
Magical Armor
Max Health
Max Mana
Health Regeneration
Mana Regeneration
Heal & Shield Power
Ability Haste
Movement Speed