Predecessor Builds > Aurora > Aurora
This Build works great for Jungle, Offlane and even Support
It is important to buy the starter items as fast as you can because you will get a lot stronger early game with those two.
2x space - E - Right Click
Double Jump to disorientate you're opponent and then use E Then directly use Right Click
This is good when you fighting minion control and see a chance to attack
Q - E - Right click
Use Q And While you still on the Wall you can press E (Doesn't matter how high up your are) to Root you're enemy and then jump down and directly use Right Click This is good when you're opponent have a distance and is not full hp and want to finish them of
Right Click - E
When you're opponent is running away from you DON'T USE E Directly if they have a little distance instead use you're Right Click to apply slowness and then you can use E to catch them