Predecessor Builds > Narbash > Green Drummer
Best healer and team player in the game tbh.
*Still the best overall build for the drummer.
Synergy between Truesilver Bracelet and Sanctification.
With the crest you are CC immune until the shield (1) pops. ALWAYS use the Sanctification shield (2) after you start your ult. In doing so, the enemy has to burst your first shield for you to be cc. A good thing is also to wait until some ennemy abilities are used in fight to pop the ultimate, to a) force blinks b) slow and stun them.
Position in the fight
As Narbash you are not a front line, so you need to be aware of your positioning. If you must sacrifice yourself early game for the adc, fine.
But mid/late game, you need to be in the back line to heal everyone.
After 4th item, spam the speed boost and the healing (with passive mana regen).
When your stacks hits 24, you receive bonus mana regen depending on the number of teammates around you. Your healing cost less mana, so you can sustain much more.
Truesilver Bracelet : For the shield during ult and mana regen.
Crystal Tear : Good healing increse and some more mana regen.
Everbloom : Increased healing and damage mitigation for nearest allies.
Galaxy Greaves : Mana regen and MOVEMENT (combined with the Q = zoomies)
Windcaller : Mana regen, healing and global speed boost.
Vanguardian : Increase the armor of everybody around (late game fights)