Predecessor Builds > Morigesh > Warcrimes in the Midlane

Build Updated at: 2024-08-27 18:01:51 UTC
Warcrimes in the Midlane
Author: ★ Archy the Mous... (Bronze III)
Role: Midlane
Skill Order

Warcrimes in the Midlanes

So from my time playing Morigesh, which to be fair I've been playing her for only 51 matches now but have managed around a 58.82% winrate, Morigesh is an absolutely brutal laner to go up against. I am gonna say ahead of time my playstyle might vastly differ from how others play her and the like but I'll explain the reasoning behind my build and everything.

Personally I think Morigesh shines in her ability to provide constant lane pressure against her opponent that must answer back in kind or loses trades and farm. Morigesh is very sustainable in lane as well by maxing E second. Doing this allows you to poke more safely and effectively, allowing you to have a lot more lane pressure (and very fast wave clear alongside Combustion).

Item Choices

Now I am first gonna address why and when to take Combustion over Pyrocosm first. Both are fantastic poke items but a lot of the time you don't need the Megacosm damage into your laners as they tend to be quite squishy (except into Iggy which 100% build Megacosm). Combustion is a Fantastic poke tool and allows for extremely fast wave clear. Combustion allows you to keep your minions pushed up and your laner poked out (with quick RMB + Q trades), then you are free to grab River bugs. ALWAYS GET CROWN 3RD, no if ands or buts about it. As a third item it provides such a power spike that persists until full build, your Q will be getting to the point of doing almost half your laners hp (if its not Iggy that is >:C)

Another thing I have seen people talk about is Megacosm vs Wraith leggings, personally I think both are 100% okay. Wraith gives you a lot more burst on your ultimate and Megacosm just gives burst and wave clear in general. I always build Wraith second for the early to mid kills and aggression as that 12% bonus damage really does work.

Poke is life

I am gonna to reiterate that Morigesh's ability to pressure her laner early is extremely powerful and you should 100% be taking advantage of your strong level 1 and 2 before your laner can match or get ahead of you. If it goes well you wont have to run out of mana as bugs should be off cooldown by the time your laner has learned to stop stepping up and keep their distance if they can't take the heat. E through the minion waves basically whenever you can/need to, it allows you to get in range to poke your laner and gain hp to mitigate their poke. Make sure to contest river bugs the moment they come up throughout the laning phase, your laner will have a very tough time doing so if you have poked them out or even killed them by this point (Looking at you countess)


Countess: You kill her early consistently at level 1, level 2, and level 3. Poke her HARD with AA and Q at level 1 and 2 (last hitting your minions for cs). Until she gets blink and matches your aggression she can't properly CS, if she tries to get close to the minions you just keep hitting her. Even when she does get her blink and poke options you have already have denied her almost all of her early farm so... oops.

Wraith: So far I've discern that wraith is a skill based matchup that involves the following in order to secure kills against. Wraith has you beat in terms of AA so keep your distance and poking with quick RMB + Qs are essential as in this matchup you can't just constantly AA for the added pressure. Baiting his Knock Knock is essential as him missing it puts his burst on cooldown for a bit, this is the time to get some poke in.

As I learn more about this character and their matchups I'll add more to this page, especially after I finally start doing ranked games. Have fun committing warcrimes in the midlane!

If you have any questions about items, how I play, or suggestions you can discuss it with me on discord: archythemouse

Core Items (Waveclear and Burst)
Core Items (into Iggy and HP heroes)
4th Item Options
5th Item Options
6th Item Options
Situationals (Can replace 4th, 5th, or 6th)
Level: 18
Physical Power
Magical Power
Physical Penetration
Magical Penetration
17 (+0%)
Critical Chance
Attack Speed
Magical Lifesteal
Physical Armor
Magical Armor
Max Health
Max Mana
Health Regeneration
Mana Regeneration
Heal & Shield Power
Ability Haste
Movement Speed