Predecessor Builds > Serath > Jungle hyper carry build
You could call this Assassin Serath really
Early game Skyspliter is needed for jungle clear and it also doubles as a good fighting item.
earthshaker works on monsters and heros on the map which is why its the best second item on her
"if your Q only hits the same target it will give you 10 out of 15 stacks granted it hits monsters or heroes so its works well on her"
finally Vanquisher finishes off the core of the build if someone get executed while you're on them with Q you will appear right ontop of your passive instantly triggering your passive ult form and cd's reduction
In bettwen Vanq and Deathstalker you do struggle from a lack of attack speed till deathstalker is finished so you relay on you ult for all ins so its important to get atleast 1 "reset" from an enemy dying in a teamfight
Nightfall = shield + resest = so you dont die so easily moving on
Final item is just something that either gives more attack speed or has its damage proc'd by your Q or gives you more safety
9/10 times go Quiver cuz it has all of that and the other 4 has one of those traits but stronger than quiver so whichever you prefer
GL to you