Predecessor Builds > The Fey > Have some S(Elf) respect [v0.3]

Build Updated at: 2023-02-06 17:41:03 UTC
Have some S(Elf) respect [v0.3]
Author: HahnSolo (Bronze I)
Role: Midlane

A standard position 2 Fey is going to want to start with warlock crest and build into either tempest or obelisk, situationally. Tempest has better utility for ability haste based builds, such as the "Extreme Chase" build and a position 3/healing/sustain build, but the obelisk grants more overall magical power and synergizes well with her main core item Azure Core.

In general, Azure Core should be the first item built as it requires creep farm to come fully online as an item (400), and therefore the benefit of obtaining this item diminishes the later into the game that it is bought.

The second core item - Megacosm - deals additional damage based on an enemy's max health. At Lvl. 18, the average max health (with no item contributions) is approximately 2300, so you're looking at dealing an additional 115 damage with your first cast plus an additional 58 damage with each successive ability. Coupled with the ability haste granted by the item and The Fey's low cooldowns at max ability level, Megacosm is a powerful core item for building huge damage.

Successive items are going to be situational based on the progress of the match, and you should assess how engagements are occurring and progress your build from there.

Build Descriptions:
Extreme Chase Power:
Dreambinder provides two benefits in addition to the stat increases - first, your abilities apply a 25% slow for 1.5s (AFAIK this stacks with bramble patch for the 0.5s that that slow is active for) and applies a 10% damage increase against slowed heroes - essentially successive abilities will do more damage and make it easier to deal max damage with untamed growth because enemy heroes will not be able to exit the radius as quickly. As untamed growth is her highest scaling damage ability (100% magical damage scaling) this represents some significant utility and will make for some deceptive increases in damage output.
Combined with Wraith Leggings, which grant 100 movespeed upon hero damage (for reference Fey's base movespeed is 665, so this corresponds to about a 15% speed increase) the total movespeed delta upon an enemy hero is 40%!. Additionally, the Wraith Leggings increase damage on low health enemy heroes providing good finishing power and allowing you to never again let that Gideon escape on 10 health.

The Oblivion Crown increases your magical power by a whopping 120 plus an additional 15%. Additionally, on a 30s CD, the Fey deals an 8% current health nuke (based on average max health of 2300 with no items, this will be around 180 damage against a full health hero) and applies a 10% magical damage amp. Combustion synergizes with this by providing another scaling AOE nuke on hit with a 12s CD. These items are a flash kit and don't provide as much utility as the other kits - but if you're ahead, these two items provide a huge amount of initial damage, combined with CC from your team, this build will earn you a few pats on the back.

Counter Tank:
"Tankiness" in predecessor is manifested from huge healing bonuses on lifesteal builds and massive benefits from purchasing armour - if you have been frustrated by a "Tank Countess" build or wondered why the enemy Grux just won't die, its because of these two traits. Tainted Scepter and Caustica counter healing and armour respectively. These are definitely items to build if your team are struggling to kill some core positions during teamfights. Before building Caustica, it's definitely worth a look at your team composition and enemy builds to assess whether the magical penetration is worth it based on magical armour built by the opposing team, otherwise pure magical power in the form of an oblivion crown or another item with more utility could fit the game better.

Pos3/Teamfight sustain:
A much less conventional build, and very situational, but if, for example a jungling or offlane teammate has a ton of success, you may consider transitioning into a semi-support build. The Fey benefits from very low cooldowns, which means you can get tons of procs on wellspring during a teamfight. If wellspring is your 4th item, you can get 8 procs in a 14s with the CD reductions from Azure Core and Megacosm. (4 harvest nettles, 2 untamed growth, 1 of each bramble patch and your ult) each instance is going to apply a ~75 HP heal over 2 seconds, which is 600 HP over the course of that period. In teamfights where your whole team is present, that's going to heal the equivalent of 2400 damage, or an entire lvl. 18 hero worth of health - my math says that that means one item turns a 5v5 into a 6v5. Communicate with your team - if you couple something like this with a jungle or offlane teammate's Fenix, you're looking at long teamfights which further benefit from heals. It's not going to be an item you build every match, but under the right circumstances you can provide massive utility. Combine the wellspring with further CD reduction items to get even more wellspring procs in a fight.

Extreme chase power
Counter Tank
Position 3/Teamfight Sustain/Utility
Level: 18
Physical Power
Magical Power
Physical Penetration
Magical Penetration
10 (+0%)
Critical Chance
Attack Speed
Magical Lifesteal
Physical Armor
Magical Armor
Max Health
Max Mana
Health Regeneration
Mana Regeneration
Heal & Shield Power
Ability Haste
Movement Speed