Predecessor Builds > Khaimera > How to Build Khaimera v0.19.1

Build Updated at: 2024-08-01 21:46:46 UTC
How to Build Khaimera v0.19.1
Author: Kelly Willard (Bronze III)
Role: Jungle

Khaimera is a disgusting bruiser/assassin hybrid. This guide will show the best ways to build him, with multiple options and pathways to consider based on enemy team comp.

After many games and many builds, I found that going 2 damage items first then taking tankier stuff feels best on Khai. Full damage is fun but once the enemies know how dangerous you are, they will pick you first in fights, then you spend too much time dead and fall behind. Too high risk high reward for consistency. After the 2nd damage item, we are in midgame and that's when the tanky items will come in major key to not insta die in fights. It also lets you solo the offlaner, since your kit is so damage focused you will do more damage than a grux/terra, so the tanky items let you stay alive long enough to win those fights.
[ Crests ]
1. Judgement
- I know it's not meta rn but I really just love judgement, feels so good having the extra damage hit, low cooldown time, boosted lifesteal
- Good for helping clear waves and pull off ganks, good for extra damage on jungle bosses, just fun to use and feels like having an extra attack ability at all times

  1. Iceskorn Talon
    • Meta pick, yes it is very good.
    • Jump in, iceskorn, ult while the ice spreads = dead enemy target
    • Good for helping secure jungle bosses, can ice if enemy team moves in to contest to give your team a leg up

[ Early game build start ]
0.5. Barbaric Cleaver (Optional Wave Clear Boost)
- Khaimera already has a lot of built-in cleave, so this isnt necessary, but sometimes that extra wave clear can help tons in early game
- I like to go this route if I find myself at base at the 4min mark (from death, failed gank, bad invade, etc). Can help to catch/keep up if enemy jgl is a farming machine
- Never build full overlord, sell it late game for 6th item if you take

  1. Berserkers Axe (Power, HP, CDR, 3% Movespeed, Gank Item)
    • Amazing item on Khai and usually a must take 1st
    • Passive boosts damage and slows enemy after a leap, and we do be leapin
    • the 20% move speed boost thru fog wall sets up amazing gank -- Wait by fog until enemy is close, use the mist run to get to the enemy fast WITHOUT using leap to bait the blink then follow up with a leap. Blink burned, lives ruined.

[ Second Item Options ]
2.1. Basilisk (Power, Health, CDR, Anti-Tank)
- Default pick for next item
- Shreds physical armor, so gives you punch power on tanks. Also decimates squishies too
- Great jungle "online" item

2.2. Tainted Blade (Power, Health, CDR, Anti-heal)
- Another great option, especially if you want to synergize your damage with teammates
- Anti-heal counters damage healers like Khaimera, Morigesh, Countess
- Hex causes enemy to take 8% more damage from you AND your teammates. If your carry is landing their shots and you jump someone, they will get nuked by this

2.3. Sky Splitter (Atk Speed, Power, Lifesteal, Burn Effect)
- Don't pick this very often, but gives high damage for less survivability
- The burn on max health helps with jungle bosses too, so can help with objective secure

  1. Gaia Greaves (Health, Phys Armor, CDR, Tenacity, )
    • Take this fckn item 3rd. Just do it.
    • Build up stacks of Movespeed, expend them when you basic for damage
    • This not only gives you initial survivability boost, it also becomes your nuke option
    • The move speed build up closes the gap (esp combined with Fog wall speed boost), then your first hit SLAPS -- Wait by fog with Gaia built up, when enemy in position you run at them using FULL SPEED, slap with Q to build passive stacks (use E cleanse if they try to CC you here), use crest and ult, leap, Q again. They're dead, you're at full HP thanks to you maximizing Khaimera passive stack buildup.
    • The leap height boost also gives some great utility in jungle, jumping from highground into Fangtooth or up those pesky ledges to attack ADC campers

[ 4th Item Options - Mag Armor]
4.1. Crystalline Cuirass (HP, Mag Armor, HP regen, Movespeed from passive)
- Good for running down mages and gives amazing sustain. You might even catch Gideon for once.
- Good pick if want to go faster

4.2. Mistmeadow Buckler (Power, Mag Armor, Lifesteal)
- Good choice if ahead, don't need more health and want more damage with your mag armor
- Good for 1v1 mage situations, but block stacks deplete fast against multiple mages at once

4.3. Tainted Bastion (Health, Mag Armor, HP Regen, Anti-heal)
- Great pick against healing mages (Countess, Sevarog, Morigesh), only gives anti-heal against magic damage sources
- Synergizes well with another tainted item (either blade or guard)

  1. Tainted Guard (HP, Phys Armor, CDR, Anti-heal on basic, Thorns)
    • I almost always take this 5th, it makes you very tanky, and they take damage when they hit you. I esp love it with Bastion as it makes you super tanky and you can survive for so long in fights with all your HP regen.
    • Amazing synergy with Tainted Blade or Bastion -- They attack you, they get blighted which either boosts your damage on blade or mitigates their damage if bastion

[ 6th Item Options ]
6.1. Citadel (Power, Health, Phys armor, Anti-tank)
- Pairs extremely well with Basilisk
- Amazing if they have a fed offlaner (fuck you Terra)
- Goodbye tanks

6.2. Draconum (Power, Phys Armor, CDR, Sustain)
- I either go this or Citadel 99% of the time
- Extra damage is nice, boosts to your HP regen keep those axes swinging
- BEST PART... the health restore on takedowns
- If you're in a game where you are the team, this item slaps. Makes you deadlier and tankier but the heal on kills lets you 1v5 them as you move target to target, the unkillable and unstoppable force of nature that you are. Teammates optional.

6.3. Bonesaw (Power, HP, Slow, Atk Speed)
- I don't pick this often but it is viable
- The extra health is nice, extra power is nicer
- The slow on every 3rd or 4th hit stops the slippery bois and the boost to atk speed shreds and helps keep passive stacks up

Mix and match the 2, 4 and 6
More Mix and Match 2, 4 and 6
Level: 18
Physical Power
Magical Power
Physical Penetration
Magical Penetration
0 (+0%)
Critical Chance
Attack Speed
Magical Lifesteal
Physical Armor
Magical Armor
Max Health
Max Mana
Health Regeneration
Mana Regeneration
Heal & Shield Power
Ability Haste
Movement Speed