Predecessor Builds > Grux > Grux the Ultimate Bullier Build
Very fast basic attack speed, constant CC, great heal you will be the ultimate bullier in team fights and one-on-ones. The enemy Carry will be your ultimate Op. Also switch Basilisk with Mutilator if the enemy isn't building PA and do a flex option in its place(I'd recommend Terminus if enemies aren't using Tainteds or grab a Tainted if they are). All items are already ordered unless you need to change the order based on enemy builds/team comp or otherwise said so. Also, be careful not to use too many attack speed flex options as this with ash bringer(replacing basilisk) and ult can already reach max basic attack speed.
How to Use:
Early Game:
You will want to use your Smash'n Grab led into the Double Pain to grab on both enemy player and minions early game. Then when the enemy is below half health or in a bad position and you have your Crush, do a Smash'n Grab, Crush, then Double Pain at this point target them instead of minions with your basic. Your goal is to secure an early-game kill. If they blink, don't have dash abilities, and you can guarantee a kill then use your blink to get the kill, your bleed sometimes kill people who are weak enough but don't expect it to. While they are dead/returning take Cyan.
If you are having a bad early game remember you're very good at stealing Cyan, Grab, Stun, Steal(use double pain to do this), you can easily follow this with a player kill, use your ult if available(you will want to use your ult in almost every fight you find yourself in).
As Grux your early game should consist of a few player kills/scaring them into the tower allowing you to out-level and get more items than them.
Mid Game:
You will want to engage in almost every PvP fight that happens but don't fully abandon your lane, you should be able to take their inner tower during this(by at least around your third/fourth item depending upon how the game is going). Remember to use your crest in every engagement to heal up. That's basically it for your Mid Game.
Late Game:
Team fights and major buffs are your goals, you can sometimes out-heal the damages that happen during team fights, and you will want to be in the middle hitting as many enemies and taking in most of their damage. You will want the enemy Carry dead as soon as possible in a team fight they will be the reason you die almost anytime you die in a team fight, the next target to kill will be whoever has tainted items. Once you are up on Fangtooths and get Orb you will want to do a hard push, helping knock out every inhibitor, then sit outside the core/push up with minions. Getting Orb whenever it's back and you're in a good position.
The Items and Why I choose Them
(to be written)