Predecessor Builds > Morigesh > Morigesh

You have to truly understand the 1v1 2v1 even 3v1 potential as Morigesh. I see so many Morigesh just run in and die because they don't understand the match-up or play safe when they have already used their blink. Morigesh can easily counter, Countess, Gideon, and Wraith. When going against Iggy just spam your hive while also going close enough to mark but back up if he is to close to his turrets. Late game you'll easily clap Iggy's but keep in mind that they usually go epoch and turrets will get you low if you just stand there waiting. For Howi bait his knockback mine and his missile and run him down but a good howi you won't be able to get close unless you catch him off guard. Usually if he is able to hit everything you'll be close to death. Tread lightly when facing howi. Now Argus is hard to kill because of his infinite right click running straight into an argus is not recommended is right click will have you looking like swish cheese. Try not to get close..