Predecessor Builds > Serath > Serath kill them all
build :
Lighting Hawk + ski spliter + draconum
You can replace hawk by stormbreaker, my point of view is that hawk is just better you loose the multi target but gain the +20% crit chance so I think it's just better
Once you have the drocunum if you gain whenever you kill -> multi kill easy
mid Game
I used to use penumbra but I think it's too slow on rely too much on takedown , I rather like the ashbringer ( ans you have already crit with hawk , if the ennemy is a little bit tanky penumbra is better because of physical penetration
nightfall is also a good choice for the shield it provide but you can go penumbra instead if you are already rooling on the ennemy team, nightfall give you a more sustain
Late game
Envy is a strong pick , the ability to silence + crit is very strong with this build