Predecessor Builds > Narbash > Narbie Barbie Jungaloo

Early game start at red. Look for a gank in neighboring lanes after getting level 2 and use March (speed ability) to secure first blood. Finish 2 camp or steal enemy jungle depending on success of gank. Focus peeling teammates or ganks whenever possible instead of camps.
Fire Blossom and Bone Saw speed up camp clear in addition to providing pvp benefits. Bone Saw adds an additional slow after your Thunk and is your biggest power spike. You can easily bait enemies into bad situations if your teammates bring them through the jungle.
Iceskorn Talons to keep the body block going strong. ALWAYS gank when you have red buff. It's just too good.
Mana build for sustain versus burst.
Both builds in progress (not many people are willing to give Narbash jungle a chance), only items 1-3 are essential in order. Will post updates as I get more matches for experience. I have won 5/7 games so far. Main factor seems to be teammates knowing when to cooperate with you when you are near their lane and not overstaying due to easy ins and outs with his speed and healing.