Predecessor Builds > Iggy & Scorch > King of the Kite.
Skill Order

In the Beginning
- This build is designed to stall lanes extremely hard against your usual Offlane suspects. Place Turrets at break points in your lane.
- Turret 1 - Left side near Jungle Portal, at your corner end.
- Turret 2 - Right side middle Pillar
- Turret 3 - Use this one to progress with your lane if you're pushing to tower (let it die to refresh it without deleting the 2 behind you)
- This ensures you have full coverage of your lane from ganks which WILL HAPPEN A LOT.
- If you want to burst the Enemy Offlane down you can use your cumulative Turret stack and drop them in a wide ARC. This gives you room to kite around. The moment they go to focus a Turret you can RMB them, left click and start moving backwards to your other choke points. ** Note: People unaware of this Iggy Offlane style will either back up far away and call for ganks, leaving you to last hit every minion without them putting up resistance. OR, they will stay in the stack allowing you to left click and kite back poking them while your turret last hits minions for gold. If this is the case, the lane will stall around centre lane, allowing 2 of your turrets to constantly dish out damage. If you're comfortable no ganks are coming you may place the 3rd one middle of the lane right behind you (only do this if you have at least 1 extra turret stack available. When one dies, replace it when safe to do so.
- This is very situational, and comes with a high skill ceiling of positioning and cooldowns.
- The best and safest method if you are about to or have been ganked, is to first decide if strafing will help or B-lining for safety is the best option. Turret placements are key, you can either place one in front of you so it spawns directly behind you, blocking some incoming ranged damage or auto attacks. If you think you will be safe you can try turn the tides and place them as far out left and right as possible, this will mean they have maximum range to deal damage to the chaser. Use E in front of you so they run into the oil, then RMB at your feet so they catch fire and take a big chunk of damage. That coupled with the Turrets on the sides will do a hefty amount of damage, usually forcing them to retreat (unless you are really low). ** Note: They will either continue to follow you, taking consistent damage, unaware of your burst. OR go clear your turret, which obviously means you live. As you play this more and more you will learn kiting techniques and turret positions, eventually resulting in very easy 1 v 2's.
Synergy of the Kit
- Basically this build starts off quite squishy but gives you the edge if you can control lane with damage and DoTs.
- Lifebinder gives quite a bit of survivability since you leech from Turret Damage.
- A lot of the time you will be weaving in and out of close range. By the 3rd item, enemy Offlane will most likely divert from their usual build into an AP resist build. This will help with that. If they do this, You've generally forced them from getting a core damage item and opened them up to ADC damage later on in team fights.
- Void helm is a great choice because it increase the healing from literally everything, Mostly your Lifebinder but also from Support healing and trinkets too. It also gives you Magic resist to counter any big burst from mids late game.
- Galaxy boots to me are the best item in the game, When timed right they can be for so many different scenarios from escaping to dodging incoming abilities, Stalling around your turrets, and my favourite, having a birds eye view for a big or long RMB. Master this item and you will pull off some crazy things! We also benefit from its MP^% and defensives.
- Frostguard is such a good team fight item. It adds even more defensives for both types (like the boots), Does great work on Grux, Khai and ADC's with the Attack Speed slow. reducing enemy DPS by quite a bit.
- The creeper synergy here is World Breakers Passive. You gain 5% HP as magical power. This from the standard build nets you an extra 40 AP from WB itself and Void helmet. so by your 4th item you gain this bonus. This allows us to build the way we do, dish out a bunch of damage and tank some big hits for the team.
End notes
- Don't be afraid to trade a kill, you have a lot of DoT (Damage over time) damage, If you're 20+ CS up and you think you can get a kill, try it out see what happens.
- I personally don't really run the anti heal build as your dots do well enough to counter the Grux heals. However if they have a countess mid, and Khai / Crunch jungle, then perhaps it's a good idea.
- Your Ultimate is amazing at chunking people down and tanking a lot of damage. It's also amazing when you have Lifebinder and Void Helm as the life steal stacks up the more enemy's it's hitting. Lastly, it's amazing for repositioning (either yourself or them). The 15% increased to speed + the Galaxy's passive allows for quick movement in a burst. Use this to get in front/behind an enemy and knock them back into the team or turrets. Because we're quite tanky don't be afraid to tower dive to knock them back. you can take quite a few tower hits before you need to leave!
- Ability ranks differ depending on the situation. you'll need to figure that out on your own as there's too many variables.
- Never worry about K/D/A. The longer the game goes the bigger you scale while others fall off. You'll more then likely be a lot of CS up on everyone else which keeps you on the same gold income as everyone else.
- I don't think this build will work for everyone's playstyle and I doubt you will see it in full swing right out of the gates. You need to invest a lot of time into this build. But I can promise you it will pay off in the end.
it's linked my PS account - to see my Iggy stats check out my PC account Attack Attack! sea.
Physical Power
Magical Power
Physical Penetration
Magical Penetration
0 (+0%)
Critical Chance
Attack Speed
Magical Lifesteal
Physical Armor
Magical Armor
Max Health
Max Mana
Health Regeneration
Mana Regeneration
Heal & Shield Power
Ability Haste
Movement Speed