Predecessor Builds > Aurora > Aurora Support Build (v1.3.2)

You can't do much at level 1 if you're not fog wall cheesing; if you go for this start RMB first for the immediate slow plus passive. Play walls, and vision to just be a potential threat to the enemy duo lane. At Level 2 use your wall to dash in for a root, or use blind spots to get a wall behind them and block/delay an escape for a kill, trade, force a back, or get them low for a tower dive.
You can easily dive the enemy carry under turret by engaging and tanking tower shots for your team to output dmg fast and kill. Use your Ice Statue Passive as you are about to get shot one last time before you drop turret aggro to let it tank a shot, and avoid the dmg.
Outside of laning phase is standard Aurora frontline Gameplan. Engage for your team, and hit as many people with your ult as possible. Lock down priority targets, or wall off major threats from the team fight.