Predecessor Builds > Serath > Drongo but Serath
This build, when you pop ult kills faster then drongo, sparrow, pre nerf grim, or any other ADC.
You want to play early game slow, try to freeze lane. If they try to fight you, even if you lose the short trade, poke with chastise to slow and keep backing up.
Use Heaven Fury only to negate an ability, and use Ascend to negate abilities or escape. Do not chase kills, play safe, and scale. Mid game you will be an absolute monster. (Nuclear Rounds makes the passive damage on Serath’s ultimate go bananas).
Vanquisher seems like a weird pick on Serath, however with nuclear rounds making your burn effect do much more damage, while in team fights the people who are burning, will die to vanquisher if you or your team also gets them low enough. Squishes as well will also most likely die to it, as you can ult and without even hitting a squishy the burn will drain their hp extremely fast.