Predecessor Builds > Narbash > Master Narbash (Zoom Zoom Build)
Hello, This is a build I have been abusing for a while now, Honestly I will say that a lot of people disagree with not going Truesilver Bracelet, If you are able to use your ult correctly, space and sit around corners correctly in fights and study when people use certain CC spells. I'd say you get your ult off 95% of the time if you use it correctly.
Otherwise you can always go truesilver 4th Item instead of MARSHALL, I would give this build a try before you judge me, It works very well with a Kira, or Twinblast, or Sparrow.
If you enjoy the build at all let me know on discord : Differ.ent
Make sure to press Q, E, and Then Leafsong for the ZOOM ZOOM in teamfights when they try to Dive your ADC. He will go faster than flash and be untouchable. I have 2v5'ed teamfights with this build EASILY! and still tons of healing.