Predecessor Builds > Serath > A Guide To Cooking On Serath In Bronze (In-Depth)

Build Updated at: 2024-07-03 08:20:53 UTC
A Guide To Cooking On Serath In Bronze (In-Depth)
Author: SΛSS (Bronze III)
Role: Offlane
Skill Order

Just a quick lil clip on a example of what this champ and build can do


So basically I am still new to predecessor and just want to make a slightly more in depth guide to the build with a bit of adaptation to the original "1v5 build by ScaptinSky" so credit to him I just want to just add a bit more method to the madness by helping newer players understand how and why to build around the champion based on your situation during the game as "Bruiser" Serath or how I like to call it "Chicken and Rice Serath". The concept behind this build is to my understand why your are building these items and acknowledging your role throughout the game. Side note I am bad at Predecessor but have over like 2500 hours in league of legends another MOBA so the concepts are similar. So any ways lets get started.

Skill Order

  • So generally I like to max RMB --> E --> Q and R whenever possible

To me it feels essential to max RMB cause the slow makes it a lot easier to guarantee Auto Attacks which if I'm managing to hit consistently from it any one can

*The choice between Q and E is completely up to you I personally max Q if I can get away with baiting out burst skill shots on the enemy champs which rely on that ability
to hit to add great kill pressure or I max E in the case where I find my self diving a lot or slowing down the fight to slow for my cooldowns to come back up or to jump walls its a great mobility spell to either fight or flee *

Obviously put a point in your R as soon as you can cause it makes your all in all the more potent and kills extend its duration making it satisfying

Items and Why

For your items you are building a lot of HP which synergizes well with the Sapphires Mantle Crest.Which makes you THICCC with 3 C's as your core adds .HP% to your physical power which your first 2 items already give you 900 HP and Pair that with your Sapphires Permanent extra HP scaling late game. You gonna feel Super thicc. Mutilator is nice as a 3rd item cause of the 10% omnivamp you get along with being thicc you have some sick sustain as well as dealing the 1% extra damage based on the enemy you are Auto Attacking.

From this point its situational so feel free to experiment.

Tainted Guard - If they have a lot of healing like to go Tainted Guard 4th to reduce healing considering in my elo they spam khameria Jgl which is a pest if hes fed.

Citadel - I like to go this third if they physical damage armour stackers for example a Riktor, Steel , Greystone and Rampage so if there are 2+ in your game its a great
item cause it reduces their armor by 20%.

Augmentation - It a nice item if you ahead cause it gives you 300 Hp which mentioned above is Nice + the 120% extra damage empowered auto attack which is on a 1.5 sec.

Draconum - This item synergizes well with mutilators omnivamp as it gives you 2.5% extra healing while you get 35 extra armor and on take down restores 120% of your
damage + 4% of your max HP.Which at this point you if you haven't realized yet you have a lot of xD. But only build after core in mid game if you don't need some magic
resist which brings me to the next item.

Crytalline Cuirass - So if you getting PK'ed by a lot of magic damage like a silly lil iggy which is a menace to society.This item comes in clutch with 45 magic resist 250 hp and 75% health regen.Which like mentioned above is cracked and on taking magic damage you gain 5 magic resist for 15 sec which stacks up to 6 times and gives you bonus move speed.Which if they are trying to run your RMB slow + that makes it impossible to run away without a blink or dash which you can just follow up with E or blink.

The other two items I still have to test but they are pure damage items.So realistically if they are squishy and you are ahead you can just go them sky splitter for life steal basilisk for extra HP and basilisk for reducing armor based on stacks which you get from auto attacking and increased damage based on the missing HP of the enemy you hitting so the lower they are the more damage you do.

Game Plan

Remember a Moba is like chess when you clear a wave you unlock ONE move.Either ward, farm xp camp or roam or back. More than one move you are loosing Wave income which in this game I still have to do the calculation, but im going to use league as an example 15 cs (minions killed) is = to 1 kill in gold. so if you build that cs and gold lead your enemies will be caught offguard if they try fight you in bronze anyways xD.

Early Game

So pre 6 you kinda weak so just focus on farming without trading tooo much HP hold your E to escape your enemy trying to all in you or ganks. The cleaver looking item in overlord definitely helps with your clear as it does a aoe cleave so just push waves. Once Overlord and Bonesaw are complete you can look to lane more aggressively and roam.

Mid Game

At this point depending how laning went you can either split push or posture to help around the early objectives like mini prime ,the fang tooth's and helping a homie cause if you give your teammate some confidence it can change their loosing lane completely. But at this point still remember the "Chess Rule above" don't overplay more than one move.

Late Game

So at this point you are gonna be finding yourself split pushing if your team is behind to try apply pressure so they can get their economy back up and if you out macro them you can probably just solo end game.If they don't react to your pressure or you will be finding yourself teamfighting a lot so because its late game and a ADC's role is to scale to late and Attack Damage Carry so if you can manage to Nuke them their team loosing alot of their teamfighting damage so also protect yours as well.

So anyways take this with a grain of salt from a 30 fps 200ms player new bronze player but thats the theory in it you can test it for yourself :)

Level: 18
Physical Power
Magical Power
Physical Penetration
Magical Penetration
0 (+0%)
Critical Chance
Attack Speed
Magical Lifesteal
Physical Armor
Magical Armor
Max Health
Max Mana
Health Regeneration
Mana Regeneration
Heal & Shield Power
Ability Haste
Movement Speed