Predecessor Builds > Greystone > GREYGOD

1 situation- Against tanks its better to start with infernum to apply an early pressure then if you think you need more damage and atack speed buy earthshaker and then draconum(if tank magic buy cuirass) but if you need the the physical(or magic) armor switch the earthshaker and draconum order(cuirass). Then buy sky splitter to get lifesteal and if the enemy team have health regens items or heroes that regen or heal like khaimera,countess, narbash... buy tainted guard( if you think thats not necessary buy bonesaw or fire blossom) and for the last buy basilik
2 situation-Against a carry you have 2 options, if you want to be agressive since the beginnig buy sky splitter(or lightning hawk to slow him) or maybe you want to frooze the lane you buy first fire blossom and wait for a gank of your jungler or mid.These are the first 2 items to pick.In my opinion it better to be most of the time agressive agaisnt a carry to punish him early so when you have 2 items always push him. The rest of the items are bonesaw,draconum,earthshaker and cuirass.
3 situation-Against a mage its almost he same way with a carry but you switch fire blossom with cuirass and draconum with frostguard
4 situation-Against a bruiser buy the items of principal build