Predecessor Builds > Feng Mao > Feng Mao - Jungle - Hypercarry Build
Are your teammates apes that seem completely carry-able?
If so then this is the build for you!
Here I am going to go step by step through every item and explain why is it used and how it should be played around (in order of appearance in item list
The reason for going warriors crest over assassin crest is due to the lack of significant impact from the finished item, lets be honest when was the last time Nex was enough gap-close to be worth committing your crest slot to it? So we go for judgement in order to assist with sustain in fights and to help with wave/camp clear post laning phase.
Malady is an obvious choice for a 2nd item, your clear isn't exactly great but with malady it is able to hold up against a countess who your team has already fed 12 kills by this point!
Omen will be your bread and butter in fights, ensure you're moving constantly so that you will build it momentum stacks to proc the effect of Omen more often. The CDR you gain from Omen is the best in the game and will allow you to spam E more often allowing for more damage throughout a fight and not just burn out after a full-kit.
Penumbra. Self explanatory-- initially I was not a fan of this item however you're basically going to be camping the carry lane and with the passive effect you can kill the support and instantly convert it into a full-kit onto you 20/0 carry that the enemy team probably has by this point!
Nightfall is a really strong item to pickup mid-late game to ensure you wont die when a Serath decides it is time to go to spectate your teammates. It also will assist with maintaining a healthy clear while in the jungle allowing you to take camps while your teammates are getting dove by 5 people.
Painweaver just has some of the best gold-to-stat ratios in the game, along with allowing you to sustain more damage as the fight goes on.
Mesmer is mostly in the build to prevent dying to a stray Morigesh or Grim.exe Ultimate.
Perferator should never be built unless the enemy team has 2 tanks, the % armor pen only takes effect after all of your normal pen has gone through so if your enemy has 100 armor and you buy perferator in this build order than instead of them losing 28 armor to the 28% pen they would only be losing 22.6 armor. Now if the enemy has 250 armor the difference between these numbers shrink dramatically.
Tainted Trident is very strong at the moment in the meta with sustain bruisers like Khaimera being oppressive in the meta. Every champion has some sustain in the game from healing from damage dealt to their passive regeneration, Tainted Trident will help reduce the effectiveness of all of this and allow for you to deal more damage to targets you have already damaged in the past.
Envy is only really strong against champions like Grim.exe, Steel, and Aurora-- champions with spell-shields or disengage however is helps with preventing all champions from instantly stunning you and beating your ass.
Ortis oh Ortis, this item is only good if you think you're going to drop a 30 bomb and can use it to get the kill every time.