Predecessor Builds > Grux > Grux 1v2 Everything

Build Updated at: 2024-06-26 16:07:44 UTC
Grux 1v2 Everything
Author: EnoughNut (Gold III)
Role: Offlane

Build guide:

Instantly build skysplitter then basilisk. At this point so long as your team hasn't fed, you can 1v1 anyone.

Next build mutilator and draconum for lifesteal and sustain in a fight. Never try to take on a range character unless you can get in close otherwise you will melt. You can 2v1 anyone at this point.

Build armor against the primary enemy champ's damage, so if their best player is magic, build magic armor, otherwise build physical armor. citadel/crystaline can be swapped for what you prefer.

End with bonesaw for more raw damage or another armor for more protection if you are getting melted too easily.

Grux playstyle:

Be aggressive in the beginning. Your bleed attack (rmb) will not attract minion fire, so always go in for the hit.
Then take your stun on first level up. Always kill off enemy range minions, then stun enemy and then right click to bleed.
Once you get your grab, wait for enemy to close in for an attack on minion and grab em, stun em, bleed em, kill em.

If the enemy is ranged, play defensive until all abilities are unlocked. Camp close to tower. Once all abilities unlocked, play like previously stated and wait for them to over extend. Don't be afraid to do a dash to get close to them and then do a pull. You won't kill them, but if you can get damage on them they will be weary and will back off from hitting you. Once you get your ult, go for the kill. Don't chase if they teleport.

Once basilisk and skysplitter are built, so long as enemy team is not fed and you have at least some damage on the offlaner, you can pretty much 1v2 any 2 melee champs. always target one before moving on to the next. use your pull as a stun even if you might lose.

when facing an enemy grux in the offlane, wait for the enemy grux to ult first before ulting. this is because the ult is on a time limit, and once you stun them, it takes off a second of their ult time. after using abilities, always try to quickly move around them in hopes they miss their stun or pull. be aggressive, always going in for a bleed, once you take out range minions, do a stun/grab or grab/stun, dont ult unless they ult first.

Swap citadel for magic armor if facing mostly magic damages. build before bonesaw if need but not before bas
Level: 18
Physical Power
Magical Power
Physical Penetration
Magical Penetration
0 (+0%)
Critical Chance
Attack Speed
Magical Lifesteal
Physical Armor
Magical Armor
Max Health
Max Mana
Health Regeneration
Mana Regeneration
Heal & Shield Power
Ability Haste
Movement Speed