Predecessor Builds > Greystone > TaNkS aRe WeAk (18.3 Greystone Build)
With 0.18 putting Greystone in a massive slump this is the only build that I feel actually works on him this patch. I really wish I could build anything but Infernum first, but the damage is so good that you're actually a threat early. Try to back for Honed Kris as early as possible. Once Honed Kris is online you straight up solo kill anyone stupid enough to stand in Make Way for its full duration. Infernum isn't the best option for combating Greystone's atrocious wave clear, but it does help a little bit. With Infernum and Judgement online you can actually split push decently.
Positioning is more important than ever with this build. You really need to understand where you're opponent wants to move in order to stick on them and get the kill. Fortunately, with the health from Basilisk and Salvation you get enough survivability to stick to your dive target during team fights.