Predecessor Builds > Lt. Belica > 🧑🏽✈️ Captain Belika Mid Lane
As Belica in Midlane you want to starve out the enemy with your drone! Also, be annoying by dealing stuns, you will build "Combustion" to make sure you can clear minions quicker and easier. The goal is to scare the mid laner and take tower to than be able to open the map and roam around and secure kills.
Play for your team not for you. Your main goal is to keep everyone alive you will be the main target so always be prepared to become the main target.
Early Game
We have one choice!
- "Combustion" GET THIS FIRST!!!! This will help clear minion waves quicker and easier. As you level up this will help a ton when doing wave management.
2nd Item (Situational)
- "Tainted Scepter" Get this if they have life steal builds first or enemy such as Khaimera
- "Caustica" This item should be grabbed if enemy is building magical armor
Mid Game
Crest will appear!
"Obelisk" This is an amazing item as you can stack the damage as well as, increase damage make sure to use it right before you secure a kill!
End Game
- "Noxia" If enemy heros are marked get this to make sure you can do significant increased damage.
- "Magnify" This item can destroy enemies that build shield as it stacks, once at 100 stacks you can "shred" armor as well as, t
- "Megacosm" This is nice as you cause a bleed to the enemy for damage over 3s can make the difference to secure kills.
If you love it or hate it follow me on I'm more than happy to discuss it!