Predecessor Builds > Kira > Speedy Wins

Still good into 18.3 given the slight nerf to Skysplitter and cost rework to others. Tested very solid in the first day of Ranked.
This build is speed, crit and lifesteal centric, going for quick, strong and sustainable basic attacks. Start cautious and feel out each match, first step should always be back. If you're lucky you'll get an aggressive support that can body enemies while you thwack away with your crossbow. Watch out for hyper aggressive Sparrows, they can mess you up early and hold you at level 1 if you give them a kill.
-Vengeance(passive) is amazing. When attacking you stack it up to 6 times on a enemy, dealing bonus DMG per stack. ATK Speed greatly helps build it up.
-Mercy is my poke tool. It isn't all that great TBH, I use it for an extra hit on things but rarely use it for something super significant.
-Dusk is your main power you want to max first, pop it for a huge burst on DMG and it slows them down.
-Take Shadow glide first, it is great for escaping. I also like to use it right after spawn jump, cause I'll have it back by the time I get to my outer tower.
-Purge is your AOE Ult, pretty straight forward. You can still use Shadow Glide while activated, so look out for possible combos.
I like to go for Pacifier as my crest for the extra dash, giving Kira a grand total of 3. Pacifier is amazing for both takedowns and escaping, and if you use it and get a quick frag, it will reset the cooldown for yet another dash, combos are great fun.
I like taking Skysplitter first for a few reasons. It starts you off into the lifesteal route, comes early attack speed, which helps proc Vengeance stacks faster for earlier wipes. The on-hit heal is also nice that early when their health is lower. Don't play too aggressive just yet unless you are swamping them, jungler included. You want to focus on last hitting minions, collecting the gold minion when up, and supporting early Fangtooth takes if your jungler is keen.
Next you'll want to take ol' reliable, Terminus. By the time you buy this you should have your crest, your lifesteal buys complete, and you'll have decent power behind it to start dishing out the DMG. it also gets you that first bump into crit chance, and the overheal shield is really nice.
Once you get Dust Devil built third, that's when the real fun begins. Your ATK Speed and crits will start shredding anyone you can basic ATK. The Movement speed is also great for chase downs, which happen allot at this point in the game. You'll want to be roaming around at this point in the game, attacking as many things as you can all over; Lanes, Red Buff, River Buffs, Fangtooth and Enemy Heroes.
You can finally listen to the recommended page and buy lightning hawk now. This one paired with Dust Devil is absolute bonkers combo, great chased down and DMG output at this point. I usually win to forfeits if I ever attain this item, though holds up great in long games as well.
My 5th Item is Equinox. After trying it out I feel it fits very nicely into the end of my build, granting stats we want and a nice shield every so often, plus taps into our crits we so love.
6th and final item for me is Imperator, makes those crits hit even harder and increases their likelihood. Try to pop into teamfights alittle later, avoiding agro until they are a bit chipped away and you can take em down quicker.
I really enjoy Kira, I think she can snowball into an absolute powerhouse if fed early, but can also change the coarse of the game later on in more struggling matchups.