Predecessor Builds > Serath > Serath the Infernal Jungler (Burst, Sustain, Mobility)
This build for Serath in the jungle emphasizes her ability to deal significant burst damage, sustain in fights, and maintain high mobility. Starting with Iceskorn Talons provides utility and survivability, while items like Sky Splitter and Basilisk enhance her attack speed, damage, and armor penetration, perfectly synergizing with her abilities, especially Heaven’s Fury and Heresy. Nightfall and Earthshaker further boost her lifesteal, attack speed, and shield generation, making her more durable in prolonged engagements. Tainted Guard and Augmentation round out the build by providing defensive stats and additional burst damage, respectively. This setup ensures Serath can efficiently clear jungle camps, gank effectively, and dominate team fights, making full use of her passive and ultimate to reset cooldowns and maintain pressure on enemies. Remember to leverage her mobility with Ascend for both engaging and escaping, and use Heresy at critical moments to maximize her damage output in fights.
Hero Overview
Serath is a formidable jungler who excels at dealing burst damage, sustaining in fights, and mobility. Her kit allows her to be an effective assassin, capitalizing on her high attack power and mobility to take down key targets quickly. With her powerful abilities and the right item build, Serath can dominate the jungle and influence the game significantly.
Abilities Breakdown
Passive: Fallen Grace
- Gameplay Tips: Helps chain your abilities and stay in the fight longer after securing a takedown.
LMB: Basic Attack - Angelic Smite
- Gameplay Tips: Focus on building attack power to maximize the damage output of your basic attacks.
RMB: Chastise
- Gameplay Tips: Use Chastise to slow enemies and follow up with basic attacks. The reset mechanic makes it great for weaving in attacks between ability uses.
Q: Heaven's Fury
- Gameplay Tips: Use this ability for burst damage and mobility. It's effective for chasing down enemies or escaping sticky situations.
E: Ascend
- Gameplay Tips: Use Ascend for initiating fights or escaping. The dive deals significant damage and can be used to engage or disengage effectively.
R: Heresy
- Gameplay Tips: Use Heresy to maximize your damage output during fights. The attack speed and movement speed boost make you a formidable force in team fights and skirmishes.
Item Build
Crest: Iceskorn Talons
- Usage: Use this active ability to gain an advantage in fights, either to chase down enemies or to provide buffs to your team.
1. Sky Splitter
- Usage: Enhances Serath’s burst and sustained damage, crucial for dealing with high-health targets.
2. Basilisk
- Usage: Great for shredding tanky enemies and increasing your overall damage output.
3. Nightfall
- Usage: Provides sustain through lifesteal and shields, making Serath more durable in fights.
4. Earthshaker
- Usage: Boosts both attack speed and ability damage, synergizing well with Serath's kit.
5. Tainted Guard
- Usage: Provides defensive stats and reduces enemy healing, useful against lifesteal-heavy opponents.
6. Augmentation
- Usage: Adds burst damage and ability haste, enhancing your ability to deal significant damage quickly.
Playstyle and Strategy
Early Game:
- Focus on clearing jungle camps efficiently, utilizing Heaven’s Fury (W) and Chastise (Q) for fast clears.
- Look for early gank opportunities, using Ascend (E) to engage or disengage.
- Prioritize farming and securing jungle objectives like buffs and the first dragon.
Mid Game:
- Start participating more in team fights and skirmishes. Use Heresy (R) to maximize your damage output.
- Aim to secure objectives like dragons and Rift Herald.
- Use the Glacial Colosseum active from Iceskorn Talons to gain an advantage in fights.
Late Game:
- Focus on taking down key targets, using your high burst damage to eliminate squishy enemies.
- Stick with your team during fights, utilizing your passive Fallen Grace to stay in fights longer after takedowns.
- Keep an eye on enemy carries and position yourself to dive and burst them down.
Synergies and Counters
- Heroes with Crowd Control: Serath benefits from allies who can lock down enemies, making it easier for her to land her abilities and basic attacks.
- Engage Tanks: Heroes that can initiate fights allow Serath to follow up with her high burst damage.
- Burst Mages: Heroes that can quickly burst Serath down before she can engage pose a significant threat.
- High Mobility Heroes: Heroes that can easily escape Serath’s reach can be difficult to deal with.
Tips and Tricks:
- Use Heresy (R) wisely. Its cooldown is long, so make sure to use it at critical moments in fights.
- Position yourself well in team fights to maximize the effectiveness of your abilities.
- Utilize Ascend (E) both offensively and defensively, depending on the situation.