Predecessor Builds > Khaimera > The Dirty Khai [Updated 06/13/2024]

They can't gank you if you gank them first!
I always go for lvl 2 gank on your Red Buff lane. I've had a lot of success with Khai ganking early and I am here to spread his good name. First, Ward Blue Jungle by the river in front of the enemy jungle stairs, or ward your Blue Buff but you should wait for 1:00 on the timer before placing and returning to base. Now, buy the Sentry before going to your Red Buff. After Red Buff you will reach lvl 2 now. This is where you want to see if you can gank. If the enemy passed the mid point in lane you can gank immediately. Make sure to ping your allies! If not, keep an eye on them while taking your 5 camp. Now you should commit to ganking. It is important to do this now to get the kill while making them use their Flash (use your flash to secure if needed) this will make it easier to gank them again within the next 5 minutes 😉. After wiping the floor with them, go straight to the enemy 3 camp, then return to your 2 camp and assess if you can gank mid before going into your Blue Jungle to complete your first sequence. You now get the idea for the rest of the game!
This build is thicc enough to solo Fangtooth and Orb without the help of your teammates that don't like to rotate. (;As well as Primal and Prime;) Good luck!